The Pick News

20th anniversary for leading mining contracting company - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Nov 22, 2017 2:39:44 PM

Gumala Enterprises Pty Ltd (GEPL) has marked 20 years of operation with a special sundowner celebration and the launch of a new website designed to better showcase the organisation’s capabilities and experience.

The dynamic Australian Indigenous business specialising in mining and contracting services, and tourism ventures was established in 1997 following the signing of the historic Yandi Land Use Agreement (YULA) with Rio Tinto.

Over two decades it has delivered key services for a range of projects across the Pilbara and operated the globally-recognised Karijini Eco Retreat.

Group photo with 20th-anniversary cake.
Chairman, Darren Injie, and Board members Ailsa Roy, Steven Dhu, Katina Law,
Bart Boelen and Shara Karamian, mark Gumala Enterprises Pty Ltd 20th

GEPL Chairman, Darren Injie, told clients, staff, and community leaders at the sundowner that partnerships had been the key to the organization’s success and relationships will remain at the heart of GEPL’s business model.

“While we have acknowledged GEPL’s rich history and the milestones of the past 20 years, 2017 has also been a time to look towards the future,” he said.

“We have a commercially astute Board which brings a diverse mix of skills and experience to table and we have placed great emphasis on adding strong, financial rigour and greater efficiencies across our operations.

Gumala Enterprises Pty Ltd Intermim CEO, Doug Grewar

“The Board is now focussed on strategies to strengthen and diversify GEPL and we think there are some exciting opportunities ahead,” said Mr Injie.

Acting CEO, Doug Grewar, echoed Mr Injie’s comments and said there was potential to expand GEPL’s contracting services into other regions in Western Australia and to build on the success of our Karijini Eco Retreat with other tourism projects.

“The mining and construction sectors in Western Australia are starting to experience green shoots again and Gumala Enterprises is well placed to be part of the next wave of activity,” he said.

GEPL returns benefits to the Gumala Aboriginal Corporation serving the Banyjima, Innwonga and Nyiyaparli people of Western Australia’s Pilbara region.

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