The Pick News

Ardea identifies multiple nickel sulphide targets within its WA tenements - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 30, 2020 11:13:22 AM

Ardea Resources Limited (ASX:ARL) has identified high priority nickel sulphide targets at its Emu Lake Prospect, along with several nickel-copper sulphide and PGE targets elsewhere in its extensive Eastern Goldfields ground holding.

The Emu Lake Project, located 70km north-east of Kalgoorlie has been the subject of a recent detailed review by Newexco Exploration Consultants who have identified several compelling targets.

In particular, the area directly south of Binti gossan is a high priority target with a number of down hole electromagnetic (DHEM) anomalies warranting drill testing. Previous drilling in the Binti Gossan area has demonstrated nickel sulphide prospectivity and returned several high- grade intercepts including:

  • ELD015: 2.0m @ 6.2% Ni and 1.78% Cu from 336.0m; and
  • ELD036: 1.6m @ 3.7% Ni and 1.33% Cu from 320.6m.

Managing Director, Andrew Penkethman, said the large number of nickel-copper intercepts come mostly from an area of drilling below and immediately along strike form the Binti Gossan covering only 1.3km.

Field work is underway and further work planned along the 20km strike length of this fertile and underexplored ultramafic horizon, along with several other quality targets within Ardea tenure that are being identified within the Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (KNP) database.

Ardea has an extensive holding of ultramafic stratigraphy in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia which host our Kalgoorlie Nickel Project laterite resources,” Mr Penkethman said.

“We are leveraging off this strategic position by opening up a new nickel sulphide search space.

“With the modern DHEM geophysical technology we are generating exciting drill targets at several known nickel sulphide prospects.

The current priority nickel sulphide targets are at Emu Lake, where Newexco have done a thorough job in compiling the extensive historic geophysical and geochemical data.

“This work has highlighted several compelling DHEM targets at Binti South, in an area known for hosting high grade nickel sulphides.

“Additional nickel sulphide target generation continues at other project areas, with a strong pipeline of targets being defined and ranked for follow-up exploration.”

Ardea’s main focus continues to be the development of the Goongarrie Nickel Cobalt Project (GNCP), the 25km long series of nickel-cobalt laterite deposits on the Goldfields Highway north of Kalgoorlie.

Mr Penkethman said Ardea’s strategic tenure in the heart of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia is also highly prospective for both nickel sulphides and gold, which are mined extensively throughout the region.

He added that it is important to note that any nickel sulphide discovery has the potential to be processed through the High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) autoclave planned for Ardea’s GNCP.

Mr Penkethman said this has the added benefit of helping control autoclave oxidising potential and typically improving recoveries.