The Pick News

Artemis gets 1st Government Approval for Radio Hill - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jul 16, 2018 12:16:25 PM

Artemis Resources’ Radio Hill processing plant continues to ramp up towards production with the first of three key approvals necessary to begin installation of the new 70-100 tph gold circuit being received.

The company has now received DMIRS Project Management Plan (Safety approval) but is still waiting on DMIRS Mining Proposal (Environmental approval) – required to start construction activities in relation to the installation of the new gold circuit – and DWER Licence Amendment (Licence Approval) – the final approval required to begin construction of the gold circuit.

The approvals are required from the Government to begin the installation of the new gold circuit into the existing 0.5Mtpa Radio Hill concentrator, 30 km south of Karratha in Western Australia.

“Artemis is ready to install the new gold circuit, subject only to receiving the final Western Australian Government approvals to do so,” Artemis Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bramwell stated.

“The installation of this new gold circuit into the existing 0.5Mtpa Radio Hill concentrator is the first stage of our strategic plan at Radio Hill and importantly provides Artemis the ability to bulk sample the gold targets that it has within its regional land holdings.

Concurrently resource development work is advancing with a view to bulk sampling and campaign processing to ascertain metallurgical characteristics of these shallow gold targets as a precursor to continuous gold operations later in the year.”

Once operational, the fully refurbished three-stage crushing circuit (previously two-stage) will crush ore at the rate of 100 t/hr ROM into the Fine Ore Bin (FOB). The crushed ore will be withdrawn from the FOB and fed directly into the Gekko supplied gold recovery circuit.

The gold recovery circuit is modular and has been specifically designed to recover both coarse conglomerate style gold nuggets via an In-Line Pressure Jig (IPJ2400) and fine free gold via a Sepro Minerals SB1350 Falcon concentrator. The Falcon is able to effectively recover free gold down to ≈20 microns in size. Gold will be further refined in the new gold room where it will be poured into gold ore bars.

The full capital and installation cost of the Gekko circuit and gold room equipment remains on budget at approximately $3 million.

All of this equipment has been delivered to Radio Hill and once the final approvals are received, installation and commissioning will begin.

Artemis is working closely with the government agencies to achieve the outstanding approvals and Process 26, the company’s engineering contractor for care, maintenance and construction activities are onsite at Radio Hill.

Shares in Artemis were trading at 16.5c this morning.