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Colin Hay

Augustus Minerals (ASX: AUG) has identified several new targets in a review of the latest soil sampling and follow-up rock chip results from the company’s Ti-Tree project in Western Australia.

Review of soil sampling data from the program started earlier in the year has identified several new targets (Justinian) and/or extensions to existing prospects (Crawford in the west of the project area) and possible extensions to Coo Creek.

The soil samples, sieved in the field to pass -80#, were scanned by Portable Spectral Services (PSS) at their West Perth office under controlled conditions.

In the western Ti-Tree area, above background levels of Cu, Pb and Zn were returned which defined adjacent or frequently coincident trends.

The validity of the soil anomalies was validated by some overlap between historic sampling using traditional wet assay methods and the new pXRF data.

Previous rock chip sampling1 identified gold to 10.1g/t at Justinian. Further rock chips within the soil anomaly have returned assays to 5.32g/t Au and 16% Cu.

Justinian also shows anomalous levels of lead and zinc.

The mineralisation is dominantly hosted within the Leake Springs Metamorphics, a complex package of pelitic schist and fine-grained often garnet rich psammite.

The Justinian prospect has been extended to cover a 3.2km x 1.1km area containing several distinct soil anomalies which appear to be coincident with diffracted splays of the Ti-Tree Shear around the Crawford Granite intrusions.

It is possible that the diffraction around the more rigid granite bodies is causing dilation where the Ti-Tree Shear splays penetrate the host Leake Springs Metamorphics.

Further mapping and sampling will be conducted at Justinian to further define and constrain the main mineralised structures and identify drilling targets.

Next Steps

Mapping and rock chip sampling is continuing to increase the definition and tenor of anomalies to drill targets for future programs.

The Minnie Springs diamond drilling program supported by an EIS co-funded drilling grant of up to $110,000 for two 700m deep holes has commenced and is progressing well. This deep diamond drilling at the Minnie Springs Cu-Mo Porphyry is to test the core of the system for high grade copper – molybdenum sulphide mineralisation.

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