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Staff Writer

Bindi Metals Limited (ASX: BIM) has successfully completed its maiden RC drilling programme at the Biloela Project in Queensland with initial visual results providing encouragement while awaiting assay results.

The drill programme has successfully wrapped up and we have completed 20 shallow holes across the Biloela Project,” Executive Director, Henry Renou, said.

“Initial results of the drilling are encouraging, and we are eagerly awaiting assay results for the project. We thank all stakeholders involved in the process including our local contractors and landowners, as well as our shareholders for their continued support.”

The Biloela Copper Gold Project is located in the highly prospective New England Belt and is located 40 km west of the Mt Cannindah Project owned by Cannindah Resources, which recently recorded world class drill intercepts of 1,022m @ 0.5 % CuEq.

Bindi Metals recently completed drilling in its maiden RC programme at the Biloela Project. The program included 20 RC holes for 2,375 m of drilling running from September to November. Drilling focused on the Flanagans > 1.5 km copper-gold soil anomaly with up to 13 g/t Au and 5% Cu in rock chips and the > 500 m extension of the Great Blackall prospect with historical drilling of 12m @ 1.8 % copper, 0.45 g/t gold including 2m @ 9.4 % copper and 2.1 g/t gold. The extension is a > 500m highly anomalous copper-gold in soils zone with historical shafts located on the prospect area.

Drilling intersected a number of potentially shallow mineralised zones at Flanagans and Great Blackall and within some of these zones, visual evidence of copper (and possibly gold) mineralisation is evident in RC drill chips in the shallow weathered zone of the system.

Drilling at the Flanagans prospect intersected a near-surface potentially mineralised zone over a strike of 800 m that was identified by quartz and oxidised copper minerals (malachite and azurite) with visual estimates ranging from 1 to 10% malachite/azurite.

This potentially shallow mineralised zone is open east, west and down dip.

At Great Blackall North drilling intersected shallow zones of minor malachite and quartz with gossan in BIM005 and BIM020 that included a zone of up to 3% chalcopyrite. This shallow zone intersected in drilling has a potential strike of 400 m that is open west, east and down dip.

Several of these zones have been selected for priority rushed assays and we expect results soon.

Due to limitations of the RC drill rig that could only drill down to a maximum depth of 169 m, we were not able to test some of the deeper porphyry drill targets during this programme. However, the programme has successfully defined the trend of shallow mineralisation that will assist deeper targeting in 2023.

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