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Carawine defines strong new mineralisation at Hercules - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Feb 16, 2022 8:51:16 AM

Carawine Resources Limited (ASX:CWX) has identified new mineralisation in a major shear zone west of the main mineralised zone from its ongoing drilling programme at the Hercules prospect at its Tropicana North Project in Western Australia.

Follow-up drilling has also begun at the nearby Big Freeze prospect, with approximately 3,000m of RC drilling planned to test multiple parallel mineralised zones within the +1g/t Au gold zone defined in recent drilling by Carawine over a 900m strike length.

These latest assay results have identified new mineralisation to the west of the main mineralised zone at Hercules, opening up a new target area for future exploration. We are continuing to target extensions to the main zone of high-grade mineralisation at Hercules, with assay results pending for three recently completed holes, and nine more holes planned in the current programme,” Managing Director, David Boyd, said.

“At the same time, we have started follow-up drilling of the large gold trend at our Big Freeze discovery, as part of our regional exploration programme targeting additional, large deposits in the highly prospective.”

Hercules is an advanced gold prospect held by Carawine’s Thunderstruck Joint Venture (“Thunderstruck JV”, Carawine 90% interest), part of the Company’s large Tropicana North Project located in the north- eastern goldfields of Western Australia. Gold mineralisation at Hercules is hosted by multiple parallel veins and shears within a wide, steeply dipping mineralised zone striking northeast. To date, significant mineralisation has been reported along a 340m strike length, extending from 35m to 250m below surface, and remains open.

The current drilling programme at Hercules is focussed on defining the geology, structure and grade characteristics of the gold mineralisation, and extending it along strike and at depth. An additional nine diamond holes are planned to be drilled, including extensions to existing holes TNDD007 and TNDD012, for approximately 2,500m with the current programme expected to continue through to late March 2022.

Assay results reported today are from diamond drill holes TNDD010 and TNDD011, targeting mineralisation along the north-eastern extents of the main mineralised zone, with significant intervals (>0.3g/t Au cut off) as follows:

  • 2m @ 0.32g/t Au from 59m (TNDD010), and 2m @ 0.33g/t Ay from 149m, and 1.3m @ 0.94g/t Au from 213.6m, including 0.6m @ 1.45g/t Au from 214.3m
  • 1m @ 0.33g/t Au from 359m (TNDD011), and 6m @ 0.46g/t Au from 365m, and 1m @ 0.34g/t Au from 377m, and 3m @ 1.03g/t Au from 382m, including 2m @ 1.33g/t Au from 382m, and 1m @ 1.82g/t Au, 0.3% Cu from 394m

TNDD011 intersected a broad shear zone in felsic granulite with up to 15% pyrite between 356m and 399m, sub-parallel and to the west of the main Hercules mineralised zone. The significant intercept of 3m @ 1.03g/t Au is associated with a laminated quartz vein and anomalous Bi of 3.38ppm.

The shear zone itself is broadly gold anomalous, with the 30m interval between 365m and 395m averaging 0.31g/t Au. Follow-up drilling will be designed to test this shear zone up-dip and along strike to target additional, higher grades.