The Pick News

Castillo identifies five new copper anomalies at Mkushi - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jan 22, 2020 8:54:47 AM

Castillo Copper Limited (ASX: CCZ) has identified five new priority exploration targets from its maiden copper-focused soil sampling campaign at the Mkushi project in Zambia.

The five new areas have dramatically extended the potential strike length at Mkushi to more than 20km.

The large soil sampling programme was undertaken by Castillo’s geology team following up on target areas identified from earlier desktop studies and preliminary visits.

Using a systematic approach, with 100m spacing in NW-SE lines that were 500m apart, the team collected 1,126 soil samples that provided significant insight to the prospective copper mineralisation potential within the Mkushi project.

Performing field analysis as a starting point, using a portable XRF analyser, the campaign identified five well- defined anomalous areas with 28 samples returning copper values >250ppm.

Castillo Copper’s Managing Director Simon Paull, said an upcoming geophysics programme will seek to provide further evidence that the five new anomalous areas could potentially extend the northern and southern shear zones further into the Mkushi project, enhancing the upside potential materially.

“The completion of the soil sampling campaign at the Mkushi project has delivered excellent early results for our priority Zambia pillar,” Mr Paull said.

Our geology team has captured a significant data set that has uncovered an aggregate 20km of new strike and five priority copper targets that potentially extend the known high-grade shear zone from SYG’s mining operations into the Mkushi project.

“Once our geology team have closely reviewed the results, then a ground geophysics program will performed, which will then enable test-drill targets to be formulated.

“The Board is delighted that our strategic intent to transform CCZ into a mid-tier group, through developing the three copper pillars, is now making solid progress.”