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Cazaly identifies priority targets for initial Janes Baylithium exploration programme - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Aug 15, 2023 1:57:15 PM

Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX: CAZ) has identified large areas containing clusters of potential pegmatite outcrops at its Sundown lithium project, located in the James Bay lithium province, Quebec, Canada.

The new Sundown project represents a significant acquisition for the company, comprising 510 mineral claims covering an area approximately

260 sq. km with over 200 documented outcropping pegmatites.

The large tenement holding is strategically positioned between Allkem’s James Bay deposit with a lithium resource of 110.2Mt @ 1.30% Li2Ob, and Patriot Battery Metals’ Corvette Lithium Discovery with a lithium resource of 109.2Mt at 1.42% Li2O within a 214km2 land packagec.

Target generation and planned fieldwork

Targeting potential pegmatites in outcrop has been refined using data extracted from Québec’s SIGÉOM database including geofiche and compilation outcrop data, geological mapping, and various satellite imagery including multi-spectral data, and digital terrain models.

Target ranking of potential pegmatites is based on satellite imagery, geological observations of pegmatite occurrences made by the geologists of the Québec Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MERN), elevated levels of lithium in lake bottom sediment samples, and proximity to the Gladman Suite, a new lithium prospective zone identified by MERN geologists in 2022.

The Gladman Suite is characterised by the presence of numerous E-W trending pegmatitic granite dykes and the presence of tourmaline, garnet and muscovite in these rocks indicates a hyper aluminous composition suitable for the development of lithium mineralisation.

The western half of the property has significant exposure of outcrop and as such targeting in this area has identified two large priority areas to initially test for lithium bearing pegmatites. Two priority target areas were also identified on the eastern side of the property

Priority target areas have been defined in order to focus initial efforts for rock chip sampling among the +200 observed pegmatites on the property. The priority areas include clusters of potential outcropping pegmatites with several exposures up to 1.5km in length.

Initially a heli-supported field exploration program is to be conducted which will include rock chip sampling, and geological mapping. The initial fieldwork will be critical for fact-checking existing datasets and optimising future targeting techniques. The helicopter supported field work is booked for early September, however due to the wildfires in the area, this timeslot is dependent on safety clearances and access for exploration activities.

The recent significant lithium resource announcements from Allkem and Patriot Battery Metals demonstrates the continuing growth of the James Bay region as a world-class lithium district,” Cazaly’s Managing Director, Tara French, said.

“Through Sundown, Cazaly has strategically positioned itself between these major resources with an extensive landholding of significant exploration potential with a host of relatively untested, outcropping pegmatites. Given the short history of lithium exploration in the district and with the Sundown project unexplored for lithium mineralisation, the potential for new discoveries is there for the making.

“The widespread forest fires have displaced many communities in the district and our sympathies are with those impacted. While our in-country exploration team has been delayed due to the safety risks and associated access restrictions, we are hopeful that we will be able to proceed with our planned activities shortly.”