The Pick News

Chesser fast-tracking follow-up drilling at Northern Arc discovery in Senegal - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Nov 22, 2019 4:05:16 PM

Chesser Resources Limited (ASX:CHZ) has commenced diamond and RC drilling at Area A and Area D within the Northern Arc discovery area at the company’s flagship Diamba Sud project in Senegal.
Area A

Wide-spaced RC drilling completed in previous drilling programmes by Chesser encountered significant gold mineralisation associated with interpreted east-dipping zones at Area A within the Northern Arc discovery.

Significant intersections included 21m at 6.62g/t gold from 53m and 4m at 3.44g/t gold from 76m, with drilling abandoned at 81m due to technical issues associated with excessive water and clay. A subsequent hole drilled immediately below this intersection, encountered 14m at 9.53g/t gold.

Mike Brown, Managing Director and CEO of Chesser Resources, said an induced polarisation (IP) geophysical survey and auger geochemical results indicate that the discovery may be more extensive, both along strike and at depth, where it is untested.

DD and RC drilling is planned to test these mineralised zones for potential repetitions and continuity along strike and down dip to down-hole depths ranging from 100m to 175m.
Area D

Drilling at Area D will focus on confirming the significant gold intersections recently reported from an interpreted NNE-trending mineralised fault; including 8m at 3.48g/t gold from 34m and 53m at 2.61g/t from 57m, including 17m at 4.97g/t gold from 59m.

“We are delighted to have recommenced drilling at our Northern Arc discovery so early in the field season,” Mr Brown said.

“The diamond drilling will assist us in improving our understanding of the controls to this high-grade gold system with the exploratory RC drilling designed to test possible extensions of the overall footprint.

“By late November we will have attended two major mining conferences in Europe and the UK to grow investor awareness of Chesser in this traditionally Africa-centric marketplace.

“We look forward to sharing regular progress updates as we embark on this potentially transformational period for the Company.”