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Dalaroo unveils multiple IP anomalies at Namban Project - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jun 21, 2022 8:55:44 AM

Dalaroo Metals Ltd (ASX: DAL) has unveiled multiple Induced Polarisation (IP) that are coincident with the recently defined large PGE-NiCu-Au geochemical anomalies at Manning within the Namban Project in Western Australia.

The main Manning PGE anomaly covers an area of 2 km X 0.5 km (with a peak value of 28ppb that is coincident with Cu peak value of 605 ppm and Ni anomalism (peak value of 206 ppm).

The Namban Project is located ~ 150km north-northeast of Perth, adjacent to the regional centre of Moora in Western Australia, in the newly defined Yilgarn Ni-Cu Province.

An orientation Dipole Dipole Induced Polarisation (DDIP) survey was undertaken at Manning during May/June 2022. The DDIP survey was designed to cover PGE-Ni-Cu-Au auger geochemical anomalies to determine if a sulphide basement source was present that may reflect primary mineralisation.

Originally planned as seven east-west oriented traverses of various line lengths and spacings, the survey was subsequently modified due to access limitations because of wheat cropping. The field acquisition of the IP data was monitored and then interpreted by Core Geophysics before inversions were conducted converting the pseudo section results to chargeability and resistivity depth.

The IP survey consisted of six lines of which five were oriented east-west and one north-south. Of these, only Line 1 effectively covered the centre of the southern extent of the Manning PGE-Ni-Cu geochemical anomaly.

Line 1 was fully completed and displays a well formed, but weak chargeability anomaly (4mV/V) at a depth of 120m. This position correlates well with Pd-Au geochemical anomalism defined by Dalaroo and requires follow up IP surveys to the south.  The resistivity on Line 1 may reflect the Archean/Proterozoic contact.

Line 9 at the northern end of the DDIP survey returned high chargeability values of up to 30 mV/V which correlates well with anomalous PGE-Ni-Cu geochemistry results.

The north-south Line 10 was effective in covering the central spine of the large Manning PGE-Ni-Cu geochemical anomaly, returning elevated chargeability results.

Encouraging results were obtained from the DDIP survey, with above background chargeability anomalies correlating to anomalous geochemistry delineated over three lines and importantly Line 9 at the northern end of the DDIP survey returned high chargeability values of up to 30 mV/V,” Managing Director, Harjinder Kehal, said.

This gives us confidence to continue with further IP work when site access improves after cropping and the IP results will guide our RC drill testing programme.

Upcoming Exploration Milestones

At Manning, the consulting geophysicist, Core Geophysics has recommended that these IP results be followed up with additional IP as per the original planned survey, when full access is available, to further validate the chargeable anomalies and with potential for follow up RC drill testing for primary sulphide PGENi-Cu-Au mineralisation at Manning.