The Pick News

De Grey obtains further encouraging hits at Diucon-Eagle - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jun 2, 2021 8:57:10 AM

De Grey Mining (ASX:DEG) has further extended mineralisation in the southern lode of Diucon to the west under sediments at company’s world class Hemi gold discovery in WA’s Pilbara region.

Diucon is currently 900m in strike and remains open to the west and at depth.

Meanwhile, at the Eagle lode consistent mineralisation has been intersected within a broad mineralised zone over the current strike of 600m.

Managing Director, Glenn Jardine, said Diucon and Eagle continue to demonstrate the potential to rapidly and cost effectively add to the gold endowment at Hemi. Extensional drilling to the north and west to Antwerp is in progress.

These latest results confirm the presence of a large mineralised system at Diucon and Eagle. Both zones remain open to the west toward Antwerp with Eagle open to the north,” Mr Jardine said.

“Extensional RC drilling to the west is currently being conducted on 160m spaced sections and 80m spaced collars on section. Mineralisation remains open at depth in both zones. Diamond drilling is targeting potential extensions beneath mineralisation previously intersected in RC drilling.

“RC drilling is also being conducted in places at 80m line spacing to confirm continuity of mineralisation within the existing footprint.”

Diucon and Eagle are located immediately to the west of Crow and present a potential geological link between the Crow intrusion to Antwerp. The gold mineralisation at Diucon and Eagle shows similar alteration and sulphide development as seen at the adjacent deposits of Aquila, Brolga, Crow and Falcon.

Both zones remain open and provide substantial potential to rapidly and cost effectively increase the gold endowment of Hemi with continued drilling.

Strike extensions are currently being tested with RC drilling at both zones at 160m line spacing and 80m hole spacing. Definition drilling has recently been conducted on an 80m line spacing and has returned outstanding results. These results include the identification of high grade near surface mineralisation extending further to the south of previously intersected mineralisation at Diucon.

Mineralisation at Diucon currently extends for approximately 900m along strike and remains open to the west and at depth. A combination of extensional definition drilling on 160m line spacing and definition drilling on 80m line spacing was recently conducted (Figure 1).

Mineralisation plunging to the west was intersected beneath sediments in HERC851D on section 28720E including 14m @ 2.6g/t Au from 258 metres and 12m @ 1.3g/t Au from 294 metres. Mineralisation extends to the bottom of this RC pre-collar at 306m. A diamond tail has recently been completed to 600m depth, showing visual indications of mineralisation extending below the pre-collar. Assay results are awaited.

Strong mineralisation was also intersected on section 28960E. Significant results include:

  • 50m @ 3.0g/t Au from 155 metres in HERC490 (including 5m @ 12g/t Au from 163 metres and 7m @ 6.0g/t Au from 197 metres); and
  • 53m @ 2.4 g.t Au from 43 metres in HERC900 (including 5m @ 14.2g/t Au from 67 metres) Ø 11m @ 7.7 g/t Au from 142 metres (including 3m @ 27g/t Au from 147 metres) and 6m @ 1.5g/t Au from 158 metres in HERC491D.

The RC precollar of HERC491D also ended in mineralisation and a diamond tail has been completed to 360m depth, with assay results awaited. Up to four subparallel lodes have now been defined at Diucon.

Eagle Drilling

Mineralisation at Eagle currently extends for approximately 600m along strike and remains open to the west, north and at depth. Definition drilling results in the west of Eagle on section 28240E include:

  • 65m @ 1.2g/t Au from 42 metres in HERC807 (including 5m @ 4.3g/t Au from 42 metres and 4m @ 5.1g/t Au from 96 metres)
  • 16m @ 1.0g/t Au from 120 metres and 33m @ 1.0 g/t Au from 155 metres in HERC808; and
  • 4m @ 3.7g/t Au from 84 metres and 9m @ 2.3g/t Au from 141 metres in HERC809a Other significant results (Figure 1) include 4m @ 11.8g/t Au from 176 metres (including 2m @ 21.6g/t Au from 176 metres) in HERC811 and 9m @ 1.2g/t Au from 201 metres in HERC853.