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DiscovEx lights up Sylvania Project with new geochemical anomalies - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | May 24, 2022 9:16:50 AM

DiscovEx Resources Limited (ASX: DCX) has identified multiple coherent gold anomalies coincident within prospective Archaen greenstones with recent surface geochemical sampling at the Sylvania Project, located 15 km south-west of Newman in WA.

Surface sampling has been completed at the Contact Prospect with several +15ppb Au anomalous trends delineated over a strike length of approximately 2km.

All gold anomalies are predominantly associated with a sequence of volcanic sandstones, basalt and banded iron formation interpreted as being analogous in age to those rocks that host the 2.1Moz Karlawinda Project , located approximately 60km to the south-east.

Heritage surveys have been requested from the Traditional Owner group to clear areas for a first-pass drilling campaign. The company’s objective since acquiring the Sylvania Project was to implement a target generation phase of work based around systematic exploration,” Managing Director, Toby Wellman, said.

“This strategy has led to a number of highly encouraging prospects being identified, with Contact being a strong addition to this prospect pipeline. We look forward to drilling these exciting targets in due course.”

Geochemical Sampling

A programme of 283 surface geochemical samples was completed on a 100 x100m grid pattern over the Contact Prospect, including both soil and rock chip samples.

The sampling programme was designed to test a north-west trending sequence of prospective volcanic sediments, fine-grained mafics and banded iron formation which form part of the Sylvania inlier, an area identified as being Archaen in age and prospective for gold mineralisation.

Much of the area is exposed in outcrop or subcrop, with detailed mapping identifying numerous quartz veins and pegmatites spatially located at the contact between mafics and sediments, likely representing a structurally controlled north-west trending contact zone.

In addition to this large-scale structural trend, numerous north-east structures were also mapped that truncate lithology and potentially represent a larger fluid pathway network controlling mineralised fluid flow.

The anomalous gold results returned from this most recent survey have generated multiple anomalous trends coincident with these north-east trending structural breaks, with three individual zones of +10ppb Au anomalism returned over a strike length of approximately 2km.

The best result returned included a single sample with a grade of 90.2ppb Au (0.09g/t Au), sampled from an outcropping quartz vein.

In addition to the elevated Au geochemistry, multiple pathfinder elements were also enriched through these fluid pathway zones including elevated arsenic (up to 84ppm), silver (0.38g/t) and antimony (up to 2.2ppm).

DiscovEx has engaged with the Traditional Owners to schedule a Heritage survey at the Contact Prospect, in anticipation of testing the numerous anomalies with AC drilling. Clearance has already been given to drill the Peak, Hilditch, Dingo and Bondinis Prospects, with drilling scheduled to begin in early July. In addition, an Induced Polarisation (IP) survey has been proposed to determine if there is a disseminated sulphide component beneath the generated surface gold anomalies.