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Dreadnought encounters 100m thick Rare Earth intercepts at Mangaroon - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 17, 2023 8:45:37 AM

Dreadnought Resources (ASX: DRE) has obtained high-grade neodymium and praseodymium drilling results further demonstrate the global significance of the rare earths at Mangaroon Project, located in the Gascoyne Region of Western Australia.

The infill drilling along just 10% of the Yin Ironstone Complex continues to surprise with thicker, higher NdPr:TREO ratios, and higher grades than what was seen in first pass and initial Resource drilling,” Managing Director, Dean Tuck, said.

“Significantly, the infill drilling has started identifying areas within the original Yin Resource that contain higher NdPr:TREO ratios and thicker intercepts, both of which will be welcomed inclusions in our Resource update which remains on track for November.

“Drill intercepts from YINRC426 and YINRC402 are two of the thickest and most significant intercepts to date and YINRC371 delivering the highest NdPr: TREO mineralisation to date highlighting that infill drilling has delivered on the upside.”

Yin RC Drill Programme

So far in 2023, 430 RC holes (50,717m) and 19 diamond holes (2,444.95m) have been drilled testing portions of the ~43km long ironstone Exploration Target and extending and upgrading the current Yin Resource.

To date, ~18kms of the ~43km long ironstones have seen first pass drilling and have resulted in:

  • confirmation of ~14kms of mineralised ironstones;
  • discovery of high-grade NdPr mineralisation at Y2 and Yin North; and
  • conversion of ~4kms of that drilling into a Resource of 20.06Mt @ 1.03% TREO of which 5.52Mt @ 1.23% TREO is Indicated.

The results achieved to date demonstrate: the effectiveness of Dreadnought’s regional geology model; the likely conversion of the large-scale Exploration Target; and the Resource intensity of Yin.

Infill drilling is complete with all samples in for assay. Final results will be included in a Resource update in November 2023.

Recently, assays for 68 holes were received from extensional and infill drilling at Yin. The thick and high NdPr:TREO near surface results further demonstrate the global significance of the rare earths at Yin. This batch of results includes some of the thickest, highest-grade and highest NdPr: TREO ratio (up to 67%) intercepts at Yin to date.