The Pick News

Dreadnought testing significant gold in soil anomaly at Rocky Dam - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Apr 30, 2020 11:34:33 AM

Dreadnought Resources Limited (ASX: DRE) has commenced ~1,000m RC drilling programme at CRA-North, part of the Rocky Dam Gold-VMS Project. Rocky Dam 45km east of Kalgoorlie.

The drill program is expected to be completed in early May 2020 with results available in June 2020.

Dreadnought Managing Director, Dean Tuck, said this RC programme will be the first in the area since historical shallow RAB drilling in the 1990s generated the compelling gold anomaly which remains open and untested at depth and along strike.

While on site, Dreadnought will follow up on other prospective anomalies at Rocky Dam. Our other work programs at Illaara are well advanced and will be executed once all approvals are received,” Mr Tuck said.

The last significant exploration at Rocky Dam was undertaken by CRA in the 1990s. This work identified CRA-North, being a 700m long gold anomaly through shallow RAB drilling.

A recent detailed 100m x 50m ultra-fine fraction soil survey and geological mapping was undertaken to confirm the location of the historical anomaly.

The soil survey defined an ~800m long >50ppb gold in soil anomaly with a core of 250m x 150m >100ppb. The anomaly correlates strongly with subcropping gossanous quartz veins within a sheared contact with felsic schists and sediments. This aligns with CRA’s historical work and the interpreted location of the historical drilling.

The current programme will test a high tenor gold in soil anomaly located along a sheared contact between felsic volcanics and sediments and will confirm the orientation of the mineralised structure.

Two 200m scissor holes will be drilled over the core of the anomaly with additional holes drilled along ~350m of strike.