The Pick News

Duketon hits massive, stringer and blebby sulphides in maiden Rosie drill hole - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jun 16, 2021 8:51:50 AM

Duketon Mining Ltd (ASX:DKM) has intersected a 24m zone of massive, stringer and blebby sulphides in the first drillhole at Rosie Nickel Project in Western Australia.

Drillhole DKDD0012 was drilled in the upper north area of Rosie and intersected a 24m zone of mineralisation including a 4.3m zone of massive and stringer nickel-copper sulphides on the footwall contact.

Managing Director, Stuart Fogarty, said the programme at Rosie Nickel Project is designed to increase confidence in mineralisation in the upper north area, test at depth below the south-eastern area (previously known as Nariz) and collect PGE rich oxide material from directly above the sulphide deposit for assay and PGE recovery/metallurgical testwork.

These three areas have been identified from the Rosie Nickel Sulphide Scoping Study as having potential upside by either impacting early cash flow or extending the life of mine.