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Elementos commences feasibility development programmes at Oropesa Tin Project - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | May 21, 2021 8:47:10 AM

Elementos Limited (ASX:ELT) has commenced feasibility development programmes at its flagship Oropesa Tin Project in Spain consisting of a series of metallurgical, geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations, supported by laboratory test work and engineering studies.

Funded by proceeds from the company’s recent capital raising, the studies will be run in parallel with the current resource drilling programme and planned Mineral Resource Estimate update.

Amid encouraging drilling and assay results and sustained historically high tin prices over US$30,000/tonne, the additional data and studies will enhance the detail behind last year’s Economic Study which positioned Oropesa as a globally significant new tin development with a prospective annual production of 2,440 tonnes of tin metal over a 14-year mine life.

CEO, Joe David, said the commencement of the feasibility development programmes was a clear indication of the company’s commitment to advance the project towards development and operation.

Elementos has approved these programs due to the continued encouraging results we have seen from the resource drill program and the overwhelming support we’ve received from our shareholders and the strong interest in Oropesa from the wider global tin market,” Mr David said.

“The parallel tracking of these programmes with the final resource drilling and Mineral Resource Estimate will put the company in the best possible position to finalise the evaluation and development of the Oropesa Tin Project.”

The work programmes will optimise the previously identified opportunities, mitigate identified risks and generally increase the maturity level of engineering for the project, including:

  • Pilot scale metallurgical test work – Wardell Armstrong (UK) – Two tonne pilot test, and Confirmation of process plant flowsheet
  • Geotechnical works programme – Eight to 10 vertical drill hole programme, Geotechnical logging, Downhole geophysics, Laboratory test work and Optimisation of pit slope design criteria
  • Hydrogeological (groundwater) works programme – Bore hole drilling Pump tests, Realtime data logging, Groundwater modelling and Water quality test work
  • Variability metallurgical test work – Bench scale test work on variable ore types and grades, and Finalisation of metallurgical upgrade regressions for process plant modelling