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Errawarra makes new LCT pegmatite discovery at Andover West - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Dec 7, 2023 11:59:53 AM

Errawarra Resources (ASX:ERW) has made a new LCT pegmatite discovery following the receipt of reconnaissance rock chip and soil samples taken from within its Andover West project tenement in WA.

We are very pleased that our methodical reconnaissance sampling in the southern Andover lithium pegmatite zone is beginning to pay dividends,” Executive Chairman Thomas Reddicliffe said.

“The prospectivity of this southern Andover corridor was recently demonstrated by the excellent results reported by Raiden in their adjoining tenement. Theirs was a very exciting discovery as it suggested a new discrete lithium pegmatite corridor along the southern margin of the Andover Mafic Intrusion, and which added considerable significance to Errawarra’s lithium anomalous pegmatites located along strike and to the west of the Raiden discovery. Our new lithium pegmatite discovery is confirmation that this lithium mineralised corridor extends into the eastern portion of our tenement, and we consider this to be further evidence of a discrete southern Andover lithium pegmatite zone. Accordingly, we will continue to focus our prospecting and sampling on this area along the southern margin of the Andover Mafic Intrusion”.

Ground reconnaissance is continuing at the Andover West project as the Company expands its investigation along the southern periphery of the Andover Mafic Intrusion. This Andover Intrusion is not only host to the lithium pegmatite discoveries made by Azure but also the more recent lithium pegmatite discovery announced by Raiden Resources. The Raiden discovery is of particular significance as it has opened up a new avenue of exploration by highlighting the southern portion of the Andover Intrusion as being prospective for lithium pegmatite. The Raiden discovery, where rock chip samples returned a high of 2.73% Li2O1, is ~2km east of the lithium anomalous pegmatites recently reported by Errawarra. This close association makes the Errawarra results highly encouraging and in conjunction with Raiden’s discovery suggests a separate lithium pegmatite corridor that is potentially distinct from the Azure discovery which is located some 8km to the northeast.

Based on the interpretation of exploration results to date, the company will be continuing with its campaign of rock chip and soil sampling to test this new expanded prospective southern Andover lithium pegmatite zone. The exploration activities are aided by satellite imagery, drone photography and the use of portable XRF analysers.