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Estrella makes nickel copper discovery following EM survey success - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | May 28, 2019 12:40:43 PM

Upcoming base metals explorer Estrella Resources (ASX:ESR) has successfully intersected nickel-copper bearing sulphides at its latest drilling at the Carr-Boyd prospect in the WA Goldfields region.

The campaign consisted of two reverse circulation drill holes approximately 40m apart, targeting an electro magnectic conductor identified in previous EM surveys.

Both drill holes intersected the prospective sulphide zone, which is confirmed to contain nickel-copper, following XRF machine analysis.

The sulphide zone was intersected between 125 and 180m below surface at one hole, while the other intersected nickel-copper sulphides from 126 to 137m and copper sulphides between 132m and 137m.

Samples are being analysed with assay results pending.

Commenting on the successful campaign, Estrella CEO Chris Daws said: “It is pleasing to get such a significant result after a number of previous drilling set-backs.

“I would like to congratulate our technical team on such a great result. It has reinforced my belief that the Carr Boyd Layered Complex could host a significant nickel/copper ore-body and I look forward as we continue with our work programs,” he said.

Estrella’s Carr-Boyd project is located just 1.2km from the historic Carr Boyd Rocks Nickel Mine, which was mined in the mid 1970’s and is estimated to have produced 210,000t at 1.44% Ni, 0.46% Cu.

The discoveries follow some of impressive EM surveys at Carr-Boyd, with the drilling confirming the project’s high-quality geophysical credentials.

The explorer has already confirmed it will now move to conduct further EM work following the success of the drilling.

Estrella has cased its new drill holes, with one of the holes drilled to a depth of 234m below surface for high-power down-hole transient EM work.