The Pick News

Estrella receives high-grade assays from Lautem discoveries in Timor

Written by Colin Hay | Feb 12, 2025 4:24:20 AM

Estrella Resources (ASX: ESR) has received excellent assays for the two new in-situ supergene manganese discoveries made in its Lautém Manganese Project in Timor-Leste, along with a bulk determination for the detrital material that has accumulated on the Sica valley floor.

"I am excited to share the strong progress at our Lautém Manganese Project in Timor-Leste. Recent assays from the Ira Miri discovery area and the Sica Prospect have confirmed the significant potential for high-grade manganese mineralisation, reinforcing the value of this project," Managing Director, Chris Daws, said.

"We are also pleased with the systematic sampling of detrital material on the Sica valley floor, which further supports the broader manganese mineralisation across the region. These discoveries have come about through the development of Estrella’s exploration model which is now being tested and proving highly successful.

"Environmental surveys for drill locations are now complete, and we are in the process of submitting drilling permit applications to the relevant Government bodies. We are eager to advance the Lautém Manganese Project and unlock its full potential.”

The in-situ secondary supergene manganese outcrops at Ira Miri and Sica lie on either side of a river valley and are around 4.5km apart.

The duplication of the Noni Formation, into areas previously thought to be devoid of the Noni Formation, highlights the predictive capacity of the model and opens up new areas of prospectivity which the company will now look to capitalise upon.

The outcrop at Ira Miri consists of the top three metres of an in-situ supergene blanket formed within the Noni Formation. The mineralisation is covered by scree from the overlying limestones, however the trend can be followed over 4 kilometres within which primary, secondary and tertiary manganese has been located.

Whilst outcrop is limited, the identification of manganese oxide clasts in the scree at the top of the Noni Formation contact suggests that secondary supergene mineralisation lies just below the surficial soil cover which is estimated to be only a few meters thick.

Environmental surveys have been completed in the area to accompany applications that have been submitted to Timor-Leste’s mineral resources and regulatory body to allow access tracks to be developed ahead of the commencement of drilling. The company looks forward to the end of the wet season for drilling activities to commence and will begin the community consultation and education process as soon as possible.