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Staff Writer

Everest Metals Corporation Limited (ASX: EMC) has commenced Stage 2 Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling at the Mt Edon LCT Project (M59/714) located 5km southwest of Paynes Find, in the Mid-West region of Western Australia.

  • Up to 10 hole drill campaign have commenced
  • Drilling to follow up previous drilling results (40m at 0.26% Rb2O from 49m – including 19m at 0.33% Rb2O and 0.1% Li2O from 51m)
  • Drilling to test multiple pegmatite targets previously identified through the Deep Ground Penetration Radar (“DGPR”) geophysical survey

Commenting on recommencement of drilling at the Mt Edon LCT Project

The EMC geological team continues to systematically work its exploration programme at the Mt Edon Mining Lease,” Chief Operating Officer, Simon Phillips, said.

“Each programme is bringing us closer to the source of rich lithium and rubidium which has been shown at surface through our rock chip programme.”

Mt Edon LCT Project sits on mining lease (M59/704) and covers the southern portion of the Paynes Find greenstone belt in the southern Murchison which hosts an extensive pegmatite field. There are several large irregular shaped felsic pegmatites which have intruded into the Paynes Find Greenstone Belt, a northeast trending sequence of mafic, ultramafic, and sedimentary rocks, with east-west structures cutting these metasediments.

Pegmatites appear to be folded sills dipping in variable directions and angles and are connected at depth representing both sill and dyke structures. These prospective pegmatites have a northeast-southwest strike of up to 350m and occur along a 1.2km interval of the LCT Pegmatite corridor.

The detail geological-structural mapping was carried out in early March 2023 over 192.4 hectares, an area of approximately 1.6km by 1.2km. The geological mapping successfully identified several previously unrecorded LCT pegmatite and quartz bearing veins on the mining lease.

Interpretation of the mapping data combined with the re-interpretation of reconnaissance drilling data has provided a better understanding of thickness and lateral distribution of the pegmatites.

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