The Pick News

Galileo intersects extensive mineralisation at Callisto - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jul 13, 2022 8:46:12 AM

Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) continues to hit mineralisation in its ongoing Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling programme at the Callisto discovery within the company’s 100% owned Norseman project in Western Australia.

Eleven additional drill holes have been completed with each drill hole intersecting disseminated sulphide mineralisation geologically consistent with the first round of drilling.

The first round of drilling, and the first assays from the second round of drilling, showed the sulphide layer at the base of the layered ultramafic sill to be associated with palladium, platinum, gold, rhodium, nickel and copper metal.

Drilling at our Callisto discovery continues to be successful with every completed drill hole hitting sulphide mineralisation. The results again confirm the consistency of the geology over the target area and all drill samples are now at the laboratory for analyses with assays expected in August,” Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said.

“A new Program of Works has been approved by the Department of Mines which allows us to complete wide-ranging drill programmes along two kilometres of prospective strike length.

“Preparation for the next round of drilling will now begin and we expect to have RC drilling commencing again in late July, followed by diamond drilling in August.

“The drilling to date has demonstrated that the mineralisation occurs over 300 metres across strike and gives us confidence in the potential for further mineralisation along strike.

“Our recent well-supported capital raise means we are fully funded to undertake the significant amount of drilling required to define a discovery of this nature. We look forward to updating the market with results from this exciting new West Australian discovery.”

The second round of RC drilling at Callisto is now complete with a total of 3,939 metres drilled over 16 drill holes and three pre-collars. Each pre-collar has been designed to allow for the completion of a diamond drill tail into the east dipping section of the mineralisation.

The geometry of the sulphide mineralisation appears to be flat lying before it begins to dip to the east. Mineralisation is not yet closed off on the flat lying areas to the west with the possibility of extensions to the west at a relatively shallow depth below surface.

The next round of RC drilling aims to expand the known mineralisation along strike and to the west. Diamond drilling will focus on the down dip zones to the east.