The Pick News

Galileo Sulphide Assays Confirm Jimberlana Prospectivity - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Aug 1, 2023 8:38:17 AM

Galileo Mining Ltd’s (ASX: GAL) assays from recent RC drilling at the Jimberlana prospect show elevated metals in a newly discovered sulphide zone within the company’s 100% owned Norseman project in Western Australia.

The first assays from our most recent exploration drilling program have painted a very positive picture of the Jimberlana prospect. We have identified a significant sulphide zone on the margin of an ultramafic rock unit which is open down dip and along strike in all directions,” Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said.

“This is an excellent geological location for the potential discovery of economic mineralisation and follow up drill holes are now being planned.

“The results from Jimberlana are a great start to the numerous untested prospects at Norseman following our Callisto discovery last year. We are well funded to undertake our upcoming drill programs and hope to deliver more discoveries over the coming months.”

RC drill holes NRC442 and NRC443 were completed as a follow up to air core drill hole NAC105 which intercepted sulphides at the bottom of hole.

Disseminated and banded semi-massive sulphides were intercepted in both RC drill holes on the margin of the Jimberlana Dyke (an ultramafic/mafic east-west intrusive unit) where it has cross-cut the volcano-sedimentary stratigraphy. EM conductors to the north of the prospective contact zone appear to primarily be related to rock units within the volcano-sedimentary stratigraphy.

However, it is believed that discriminating between conductive signals attributable to magmatic sulphide on the margin of the dyke and broad regional conductors is not practical with surface EM methods. In addition, there may be considerable interaction between sulphide bearing stratigraphy and the Jimberlana Dyke along the area of interest. Follow up RC drilling into the target zone shown is being planned and will be undertaken after the receipt and interpretation of all assay results from the recent drilling programme.

Assays from the remaining 16 drill holes completed at the Mission Sill and Jimberlana prospects in the June RC drill programme are currently pending with results expected to be received over the month of August.

At Galileo’s Callisto discovery, diamond tails on NRCD435 and NRCD436 have been completed and will be sent to the laboratory for assaying. These drill holes targeted a new style of “reef style” PGE mineralisation within the upper portion of the layered ultramafic intrusion at this location. Further exploration work to the north of Callisto is planned in conjunction with follow up drilling at Jimberlana.