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GSM kicks off Yule lithium and gold AC drilling - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Aug 30, 2023 9:15:23 AM

Golden State Mining Limited (ASX: GSM) has commenced air-core (AC) drilling at the Yule Project in the Pilbara, Western Australia.

Following on from our recently completed RC drilling campaign at Nomad and Balla Yule, it is pleasing to report that air-core drilling is well under way at Yule,” Managing Director, Michael Moore, said.

“The first priority area is centred on the Nomad lithium prospect and will include ground to the southeast on E47/2692 where no previous exploration drilling has been conducted. A further focus of the drilling program will be Yule East where we have a number of high priority gold and lithium targets around the Yule River shear zone.

“This comprehensive air-core drilling program follows a recently completed RC programme and ensures we maintain exploration momentum in this highly prospective region.”

Air-core drilling is currently underway over multiple previously defined prospects at the Yule Project. Approximately 8,000m of drilling is planned and is expected to be completed around late September.

Assay results are expected to be reported starting around mid-November.

Nomad (Li) prospect

An air-core (AC) drilling programme is underway at the Nomad lithium prospect testing targets generated by recent detailed gravity and magnetics surveys. The programme will include up to 4,000m of vertical AC drilling which will focus on concealed, approximately east-northeast trending, low density pattern targets in proximity to anomalous caesium values returned in first pass GSM RC drilling and on recently acquired ground to the south of GSM’s previous AC and RC drilling.

Balla Yule (Ni-Co-Cu) prospect

Further AC drilling will be conducted at the Balla Yule prospect to test for hosted Ni-Co-Cu sulphide style mineralisation within the synformal core of interpreted layered mafic-ultramafic intrusive body.

Yule East (Au) prospect

GSM has assessed air-core drilling results and generated a target model based on Archaean gold deposits within the Eastern Yilgarn region of Western Australia in the northern part of the Yule East tenement.

Quarry Well (Pb-Zn) prospect

Follow up AC drilling will be undertaken at the Quarry Well prospect within the Sholl Shear Zone to evaluate previous drill results in interpreted deformed, siliceous, chert-like lithologies with elevated portable X-ray fluorescent (pXRF) zinc and lead readings up to approximately 0.25%. These base metals values are coincident with a historic VTEM anomaly leading the VHMS exploration model.