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Hamelin discovers high-grade gold at Hutchs Find - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 11, 2022 9:38:02 AM

Hamelin Gold Limited (ASX:HMG) has hit high-grade gold mineralisation in its first drill programme at the Hutch’s Find prospect in the West Tanami Gold Project, Western Australia.

The discovery of shallow, high-grade gold mineralisation in our first drill programme at Hutch’s Find is an outstanding result,” Managing Director, Peter Bewick, said.

“The West Tanami project contains a suite of multi-kilometre scale near surface gold anomalies that have seen limited deeper drilling.

“Hamelin has conducted a first pass programme of diamond and RC drilling at six of our priority prospects in our first field season to understand the geological and structural setting associated with these large anomalies.

“The high-grade gold intersected TLR0001 is situated 200 metres west of an area of historical RC and diamond drilling that also intersected high grade gold mineralisation and indicates the potential for an emerging high grade gold system at Hutch’s Find.

“A 2,000 metre RC drill programme planned to follow-up on mineralisation at the Camel Prospect is due to commence by the end of October. This programme has been expanded to include additional drilling at Hutch’s Find targeting extensions to the high-grade gold intersected in TLR0001.”


The Hutch’s Find gold prospect defined by a 2.5-kilometre-long regolith gold anomaly located 22 kilometres southwest of the Coyote Gold Mine.

Historical exploration at the prospect is dominated by shallow RAB, aircore and RC drilling with very few localised deeper RC and diamond holes and a single wide spaced RC program completed in 2019.

Hamelin recently completed an orientation drill traverse at Hutch’s to determine the effectiveness of surface sampling techniques in areas of transported cover. The RC drilling was conducted to provide key geological information on the nature of the regolith and basement geology and assess the stratigraphy to the east of the mineralised position.

RC Drilling

A single east-west drill line was completed by Hamelin over the eastern edge of the two and a half kilometre long gold anomaly defining the Hutch’s Find gold prospect. The western five holes in the line (TLR0001 – TLR0005) were drilled at 100 metre spacing with the remaining holes on the line spaced at 200 metre increments to the east. The five western holes centred on an area where historical drilling had previously intersected high grade gold mineralisation, with a best intercept recorded of 10 metres at 5.4 g/t from 123 metres (HFDD0004).

Shallow, high grade gold mineralisation has been intersected in the first and western most hole drilled in the program returning: 12m at 4.50 g/t Au from 6m in TLR0001 including 6.0 metres at 8.10 g/t Au from 8 metres, and 2.0 metres at 1.45 g/t Au from 16 metres

Next Steps

A 2,000m RC drilling programme is due to commence follow-up drilling at the Camel Prospect in late October 2022.

This programme has been expanded to include follow up drilling to test potential extensions of the high grade gold mineralisation drilled in TLR0001.