The Pick News

Hamelin kicks off drilling on new gold geochemical targets

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 14, 2024 1:04:10 AM

Hamelin Gold (ASX:HMG) has commenced aircore drilling at the Jazz target test a new anomaly identified in recently completed soil sampling programmes completed in the West Tanami and the Anderson project in Western Australia.

“The expansion of the use of soil sampling and Ultrafine analysis across the West Tanami and our sand covered Yilgarn projects in WA is proving to be successful at defining areas of gold anomalism in previously under-explored regions,” Managing Director, Peter Bewick, said.

“The recently defined Jazz anomaly in the West Tanami occurs where two key structures intersect and is hosted within a highly prospective dolerite unit.

“Jazz has strong multi-element support and has the geochemical footprint similar to other major gold deposits in the Tanami region. Aircore drilling at Jazz has just commenced with assay results expected in December 2024.”

Jazz Prospect

The Jazz gold prospect is in the northwest of the West Tanami project to the west of the Sultan gold corridor. In 2023, soil sampling and analysis using the CSIRO developed Ultrafine® analytical technique identified two discrete gold anomalies along the sand covered Sultan gold corridor named Sultan West and Sultan Central.

Aircore and RC drilling at Sultan West successfully identified regolith and bedrock gold mineralisation directly beneath the UFF gold anomalies. This mineralisation is found within a dolerite sill hosted in Stubbins Formation sediments.

The confirmation of bedrock gold mineralisation below the Sultan West anomaly outlined in the UFF soil survey provides the first validation of the use of this new technology in the Tanami region. These results are highly encouraging and have resulted in the broader application of surface geochemistry and UFF analysis across the West Tanami project.

Results from the next phase of soil sampling in the West Tanami have now been received. A programme of over 3,000 soil samples was completed providing an initial test of 11 regional scale targets.

One of the larger programs tested an area to the west of the Sultan and Afghan gold corridors and has identified three discrete gold anomalies within a structurally complex area containing folded and faulted dolerite units. This area has been named the Jazz prospect and is coincident with a large scale multi-element anomaly enriched in a suite of pathfinder elements that are known to be associated with gold mineral systems in the Tanami region including; tellurium, tungsten, bismuth, arsenic and molybdenum.