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Haranga identifies new uranium anomalies at Sanela Prospect - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 9, 2023 8:22:27 AM

Haranga Resources (ASX: HAR) has identified extensive uranium anomalies of up to 17 ppm uranium over the Sanela Prospect area in its regional exploration program over the Saraya Uranium permit in Senegal.

These results from Sanela are timely, as they come close on the heels of our first Mineral Resource Estimate at the Saraya Prospect within our Saraya Project,” Managing Director, Peter Batten, said.

“The Saraya Mineral Resource Estimate at 16Mlbs Inferred and at a grade of 587ppm eU3O81 is a significant result, in itself, but is only the first of, at least, seven anomalies we will be testing within the Saraya Project and whilst the Saraya Prospect is the better defined anomaly, with over 65,000m of drilling, it is also the smallest of the seven anomalies identified, so far.

“The determination of the second prospect to drill will come down to the higher confidence we have in the orientation and structure of the anomalies. The successful completion of the Sanela sampling now allows the Haranga geological team to include Sanela, along with Diobi and Mandankoli, in the next phase of drilling planned for this quarter.

“What information we have seen from the regional historical exploration drilling show intercepts of economic mineralisation close to or on the periphery of our defined anomalies.

The progress we have made so far underscores the effectiveness of our exploration strategy and reinforces our confidence in the future success of the Saraya Uranium Project.”

Termite Mound Infill Sampling

The results from the permit wide termite mound sampling program on a 1000 m by 100 m grid continues to deliver more wide surface anomalies. Infill sampling (200m x 50m) at two of the four priority areas previously identified for follow up sampling, Saraya NNE and Sanela, has been completed. The infill grid sampling has further delineated new anomalies that will now be considered for the drilling schedule.

Sanela prospect

The sampling of the Sanela grid (2,480 samples) was completed in June 2023 and covered a surface area of 25km2. The grid was designed over an Uranium airborne spectrometry anomaly outlined by Cogema in the 1970s. Records show eight holes were drilled at Sanela, but little information is available regarding the results from these holes.

Haranga’s permit scale sampling confirmed a surface anomaly up to 17ppm. Samples were prepared during the month of July and XRF assaying started in August. The area is located on the lateritic plateau that covers the eastern border of the Saraya Granite.