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iTech continues to expand Lacoma graphite mineralisation with infill drilling - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Nov 7, 2023 8:02:17 AM

iTech Minerals (ASX: ITM) has obtained significant graphite results from the latest drill assays at the Central Lacroma prospect in South Australia.

Drill holes to date have demonstrated increasing thickness and grade from north to south at Central Lacroma, with over 1km of strike remaining to be drilled to the south, in the current resource drilling programme.

The latest drilling results from the Lacroma Graphite Prospect have demonstrated that graphite mineralisation increases in thickness and grade to the south of the prospect and comes to surface in the west. The drilling programme continues to deliver significant results with over 70 holes of the resource drilling program completed to date,” Managing Director, Mike Schwarz, said.

The Lacroma Graphite Prospect is located approximately 20km south-west of Kimba on the central Eyre Peninsula and <20km from iTech’s proposed graphite processing plant for the Campoona Spherical Graphite Project.

The Lacroma Central graphite rich horizon forms a north-south trending structure with a shallow easterly dip.

Drill Results

Assay results have been received for a several infill holes that were drilled to fill in gaps at Lacroma Central. These holes are located between 300m and 500m north of where mineralisation was first drilled at Lacroma as announced on 29 May 2023 and in a traverse 100m north of the first holes drilled and previously released in June 2023.

iTech located these drillholes based on gaps in the current drill pattern with a view to gaining complete coverage before moving to drill out the southern extension of the resource area. Assays from these holes demonstrate that mineralisation increases in grade and thickness from north to south and remains open for over at least another 1km to the south.

Importantly, the drilling demonstrates that mineralisation projects to surface in the west of the resource area. This has been confirmed with the excavation of shallow drill sumps exposing graphite bearing mineralisation less than 30-40cm below a thin veneer of sand.

Next Steps

Over 70 drill holes have been completed in the northern part of the Lacroma Central resource drilling area with a total of 5 east-west traverses extending over 500m, from north to south, completed at ~100m intervals.

Several infill holes have now been completed in this area, and the drill rig has moved south to test the southern extension of mineralisation between 6,316,600mN and 6,315,600mN. Drilling is expected to continue for the next 2-3 months to test the full potential of the resource area.