The Pick News

KalGold drills thick gold intercepts at Pinjin project

Written by Colin Hay | May 23, 2024 12:59:13 AM

Kalgoorlie Gold Mining (ASX:KAL) has discovered an extensive, thick gold mineralisation and anomalism at Wessex target with first pass aircore drilling at the  Pinjin project in WA.

New intercepts include 28m at 1.27 g/t Au from 36m; including 8m at 1.90 g/t Au from 44m and 8m at 2.15 g/t Au from 56m.


“KalGold’s drill programme at its Wessex prospect has delivered excellent results,” Managing Director Matt Painter said.


“Thick, coherent zones of shallow gold mineralisation were defined across the tenement boundary from historically recorded gold anomalism. The shape, geometry, and style of gold mineralisation at Wessex displays parallels with Hawthorn Resources’ neighbouring Anglo Saxon gold deposit, located less than 1 km to the northeast. Mineralisation at Wessex is open along strike both to the north and south, and down-dip to the east.


"This discovery at Wessex requires follow-up aircore and/or RC drilling to define the full extent of the mineralisation footprint. These results, in addition to the shallow gold mineralisation currently being incorporated into an initial JORC Code (2012) Mineral Resource Estimate at Kirgella Gift and Providence, highlight the incredible prospectivity of KalGold’s Pinjin Project.”


Gold anomalism at Wessex is defined over an area of ~800x250m, including historic drill intercepts across the tenement boundary.


The Wessex target on KalGold’s tenure is open to the north, south, and east.


KalGold’s extensive Pinjin Gold Project is located around 140 km northeast of Kalgoorlie Boulder. The project covers a substantial portion of

the southern part of the highly prolific Laverton Tectonic Zone which, further north, hosts some of the Eastern Goldfields’ largest gold mines and deposits.


Initial work by the company has focused on the Kirgella Gift and Providence prospects, which are strategically located between Hawthorn Resources’ Anglo Saxon (Trouser Legs) open pit mine ~15 km to the north, and Ramelius Resources’ Rebecca gold development project ~21 km to the south. KalGold aims to progressively build a Mineral Resource base throughout the project area that could potentially provide feed to the planned mill to the south.


The recent discovery of gold mineralisation at Wessex, adjacent to the Anglo Saxon deposit, confirms the company’s interpretation that gold mineralisation continues southward from the outcropping Pinjin Goldfield under a thin cover of transported sediment.