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KalGold uncovers high-grade gold in surface rock chips at Zelica Project - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jun 23, 2023 2:05:58 PM

Kalgoorlie Gold Mining (ASX:KAL) has identified a gold-mineralised corridor extending from the Zelica gold mine through to the southern margin of KalGold tenure in new reconnaissance work.

KalGold’s outstanding portfolio of projects continues to impress. With first-pass surface sampling producing assays in excess of a troy ounce per tonne, it is clear the Zelica Project demands more attention. KalGold is presently defining future work programmes throughout the project area to follow up on these very encouraging results,” Managing Director, Matt Painter, said.

Reconnaissance highlights

KalGold’s 100%-owned Zelica project is located around 70 km east of Kookynie and is easily accessible on high-quality unsealed roads from every direction. Like KalGold’s Jungle Dam prospect at Pinjin (85km to the southeast), Zelica is located on the Celia Tectonic Zone, one of the major crustal structures of the Eastern Goldfields province, and around 115km northwest of KalGold’s new Kirgella Gift and Providence targets at the Pinjin Project.

Numerous samples were collected during the recent reconnaissance campaign. Samples were collected from outcrops, shallow excavations and historic RC drill chip material along a mineralised corridor extending the entire north-south length of the tenement. The corridor extends from off-tenure at the Zelica gold mine (600 m to the north) and southward along the length of E 39/2188, covering around 6.8 km within the tenement.

A high of 39.6 g/t Au was returned from a vuggy quartz–k-feldspar–carbonate vein exposed in a shallow excavation at the West Nest prospect.

At Eucalyptus Bore, selective grab sampling of weathered surface RC drill chips from a small RC drill programme completed in 20061 returned a high of 1.08 g/t Au (KAL003976), confirming anomalous historic intercepts including:

  • EUG004: 1m @ 3.02 g/t Au from 16m
  • EUG006: 1m @ 2.54 g/t Au from 15m

In addition to the areas examined by KalGold, an excision in the centre east of the tenement and midway along the mineralised corridor contains minor historic workings at Murphy Well 2 and 3. Here, 1980s era shallow RC drilling defined the following results:

  • MDW5: 4m at 3.08 g/t Au from 15m
  • MDW6: 8m at 1.4 g/t Au from 9m

Further work at Zelica

Mr Painter said, given the encouraging early results, KalGold is determining the most appropriate way to initiate systematic exploration of the Zelica Project.

Rock-chipping was incorporated into this initial programme to assist with rock type identification and assessment of mineralisation potential. Only gold assays have been returned to date. Follow up work programmes are likely to include auger geochemical sampling and field mapping to refine targets.