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Kin hits more shallow gold at developing Cardinia Project - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | May 18, 2020 10:59:34 AM

Kin Mining NL (ASX: KIN) believes it has identified emerging regional target areas at its Cardinia Gold Project (CGP) near Leonora in Western Australia.

The company has received further promising assay results from a recently completed Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling programme at the Cardinia Hill prospect and air-core (AC) drilling at the Helens East and Helens South prospects at the CGP.

Managing Director, Andrew Munckton, said the new results build on the recently announced shallow gold results and continue to highlight the potential to identify strong zones of new mineralisation at Cardinia.

He added that the results at Cardinia Hill have confirmed the presence of several mineralised lodes with significant down- dip extent, with shallow mineralisation now defined over a total strike length of 500 metres.

The Helens South AC results have confirmed the presence of mineralisation beneath soil anomalies, in areas without significant historical workings and limited historical exploration.

The recently completed Phase 2 RC and AC drilling program has already given us a significant insight into the enormous untapped exploration potential at the Cardinia Gold Project, with results still outstanding for almost two-thirds of the drilling,” Mr Munckton said.

“The programme was designed to follow up new discoveries made at Cardinia Hill, Comedy King and Lewis East in December last year and to commence first-pass air-core drilling on a number of other targets in the immediate Cardinia area.

“The results so far have reinforced our belief that Cardinia is a significantly mineralised area, worthy of considerable additional drilling and exploration in the coming months.”

Mr Munckton said that the Phase 2 programme has already discovered several new zones of mineralisation at Helens South and Helens East to complement the Phase 1 discoveries.

“Cardinia Hill is shaping up as a significant new discovery with grades achieved so far that are significantly higher than those reported previously across the broader Cardinia Gold Project.

“While the assay results in CH20RC020 and CH20RC021 are not spectacular, they have confirmed the geological continuity of the mineralisation over at least 500m of strike length. Logging of follow-up RC drill holes CH20RC034 to CH20RC041 all showed strong alteration and sulphide mineralisation and we are looking forward to receiving these assay results.

“We have little doubt that Cardinia Hill will become a key area of exploration focus for us over the coming months.

“At Helens South and Helens East, air-core drilling has so far defined several new zones of mineralisation down to approximately 30m (the depth of penetration of the AC drill) which are co-incident with gold-in-soil anomalies generated from the recently completed Auger drilling programme.

“This gives us confidence that the systematic approach we have adopted towards exploration at Cardinia is yielding good results and has put us on a clear pathway to make further significant discoveries.

“Further RC and AC drilling has been completed at Comedy King, Lewis East and Faye Marie. The Company has approximately 3500 samples being analysed at the laboratory presently, and we are looking forward to reporting these results to the market as they are received.”