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Kingfisher swoops with high-grade rare earths in discovery drill Hole - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Mar 25, 2022 8:48:02 AM

Kingfisher Mining Limited (ASX:KFM) has received positive total rare earth oxides (TREO) results in assays from its on-going exploration at its 100% owned projects in the Gascoyne Mineral Field in Western Australia.

The company has received results from the 1m samples from the reverse circulation (RC) drilling completed at Mick Well last year. The 1m samples were selected from the interval from drill hole MWRC004 where rare earth elements (REE) mineralisation was previously reported from the 4m composite samples.

The results from analysis of the individual 1m samples include:

  • MWRC004: 4m at 1.84% TREO with 0.34% Nd2O3 and Pr6O11 from 41m, including 1m at 3.87% TREO with 0.70% Nd2O3 and Pr6O11 from 41m.
  • MWRC004: 1m at 2.39% TREO with 0.47% Nd2O3 and Pr6O11 from 49m.

The drilling programme at Mick Well was designed to test targets that were identified from the Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic (VTEMTM Max) airborne survey.

The MW2 target was also associated with a magnetic anomaly, with three-dimensional modelling of the magnetics data revealing the discrete magnetic low was a pipe-like feature with a significant vertical extent of 1000m.

The pipe-like feature has now been interpreted to be associated with the intrusion of the carbonatite, with seven clusters of carbonatite intrusions now confirmed from field work in the Mick Well and Kingfisher areas.

The mineralisation at Mick Well is associated with carbonate complexes which consists of the carbonatite intrusions and dykes, amphibolite, gneiss and ultramafic rocks as well as alteration and veins related to the intrusions. The orientation of the mineralisation within this complex geological setting is not yet known, all reported intervals in this announcement are down hole lengths.

The analysis of the one metre samples from the rare earth discovery drill hole at Mick Well has revealed high-grade light rare earth elements within the previously reported interval,” Executive Director and CEO, James Farrell, said.

“The company has commenced mineralogy studies on the mineralisation which is now known to consist of the REE bearing minerals allanite and monazite.

“Follow-up drilling has been scheduled to commence mid-April and will target the high-grade rare earth element mineralisation intersected in MWRC004 as well as a number of other high-priority targets in the immediate Mick Well Area.”

Mineralogy and petrography studies by Richard England and Diamantina Laboratories on samples from the REE discovery at Mick Well are underway. Initial results from sample MWRC0312 (MWRC004, 41 to 42m, 3.87% TREO) which is located in fresh rock show the REE mineralisation occurs as allanite and monazite in rocks that dominantly consist of apatite, potassium feldspar, quartz and calcite.