The Pick News

Lefroy identifies multiple surface gold anomalies at Hang Glider Hill - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 5, 2020 9:47:31 AM

Lefroy Exploration Limited (ASX: LEX) has identified five new strong surface gold anomalies near its Hang Glider Hill prospect following the completion of a 3120-hole auger drilling programme at Eastern Lefroy near Kalgoorlie.

The programme covered a contiguous package of tenements covering a strike length of 17km from Hang Glider Hill (HGH) gold prospect to the Lucky Strike gold deposit within the 100% owned non-JV Eastern Lefroy tenement package, which in turn is part of the greater Lefroy Gold Project (LGP).

HGH was recognised in 2018 after the discovery of multiple gold nuggets over a 2km trend.

The recent auger geochemical programme was designed as a first pass exploration technique to screen a contiguous group of tenements covering 71 sq. km that straddle the interpreted position of the regional scale Mt Monger fault.

The programme identified five anomalies, which Lefroy has labelled A, B, C, D and E.

Managing Director, Wade Johnson, said the company considers the anomalies C, D and E to be an exciting new development in the Hang Glider Hill area.

Prior drilling (RC and diamond) in the area by WMC in the 1990’s targeted the ultramafic stratigraphy for Ni mineralisation but the diamond and RC holes were not analysed for gold. The holes were orientated to the north parallel with the surface gold trends.

The A and B anomalies are located approximately 2.5km along strike to the south-east of the Hang Glider Hill prospect where diamond drilling by Lefroy in late 2019 intercepted 6.8m @ 1.86g/t Au from 53.7m. The Hang glider Hill prospect is recognised by a similarly discrete +50ppbAu surface gold anomaly.

Anomaly B has strike length of 600m and varies in width from 150m to 300m. The tenor of gold at anomaly B is considered high with several samples exceeding 75ppb gold in the core of the anomaly.

The two new gold anomalies are located proximal to the interpreted position of the Mt Monger and Hang Glider Hill Faults and further strengthen the gold prospectivity along this developing corridor.

These surface sample results are highly encouraging and continue to validate and reinforce the prospectivity of the Hang Glider Hill Exploration hub,” Mr Johnson said.

“The northerly trending anomalies add a new geological flavour that supports an alternate structural model to enhance the bedrock gold potential of the greater area.

“Our priority will be to investigate the more prominent gold anomalies by aircore drilling with the aim of defining new bedrock targets for RC drilling”

A Program of Works (POW) has been submitted to the WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) for an early stage aircore drilling at each of these target areas.

Planning of an early stage reconnaissance wide spaced air core drilling programme to prioritise targets for RC drill testing is underway. Drilling is expected to commence in November.