The Pick News

Legend hits highest grades to date at Mawson in Fraser Range - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jul 7, 2020 9:17:42 AM

Legend Mining Limited (ASX:LEG) has had further success with its diamond drilling campaign prospect within the Rockford Project, Fraser Range, Western Australia.

Assay results from the latest two holes in its ongoing programme indicate the company is closing in on its prime target, with one hole producing the best intercepts yet.

The grades of the 4.5m intercept of 3% nickel, 2.3% copper and 0.19% cobalt in hole 18 are the best grades to date at Mawson,” Legend Managing Director. Mark Wilson, said.

“The other assays for this hole and hole 15 generally add to the robust grades and widths reported at Mawson.

“As I have previously commented, the mineralisation is open to the southwest, northeast and east and requires further analysis of all datasets prior to planning step-out drillholes.”

Both holes were drilled to follow up significant Ni-Cu sulphide mineralisation intersected recently in holes RKDD007 and RKDD008.

RKDD018 was designed to test the eastern extension of sulphide mineralisation in both the upper disseminated and lower massive sulphide intervals intersected in RKDD008.

Assays reported a 19.2m interval with 1.69% Ni and 1.23% Cu from 97.9m associated with an upper mafic/ultramafic intrusive with massive, brecciated and disseminated sulphides all displaying a strong supergene overprint.

This interval contains a high grade 4.5m zone returning 3.05% Ni and 2.32% Cu and 0.19% Co, with maximum values of 4.14% Ni (0.8m) and 5.25% Cu (0.7m).

A second 34.65m interval of heavy disseminated and blebby/disseminated sulphide occurs at 130.7m downhole and is associated with the top of the lower mafic intrusive.

Diamond drillhole RKDD015 was designed to test the northern extension of massive sulphide mineralisation in RKDD011 and the eastern extension of the upper sulphide zone in RKDD007.

RKDD015 intersected an upper 73.5m sulphide bearing mafic/ultramafic intrusive and returned an intersection of 73.5m @ 0.32% Ni and 0.29% Cu from 87.5m. A second intersection of 24.3m @ 0.22% Ni and 0.26% Cu from 279.0m downhole is associated with the lower mafic/ultramafic intrusive.

Mr Wilson said Legend is continuing its 3,000m RC drilling programme targeting known sulphide mineralisation, geochemical anomalies and gravity features.

It is also undertaking an infill aircore drill programme across the greater Mawson area.

The Mawson RC, aircore and gravity datasets will then be integrated to assist future diamond drillhole planning/design.