The Pick News

Legend identifies strong offhole conductor in Fraser Range drillhole - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jul 28, 2020 8:57:43 AM

Legend Mining Limited (ASX: LEG) has identified a significant 12,000-14,000S downhole conductor at the Mawson Prospect within its Rockford Project in the prospective Fraser Range area of Western Australia.

Managing Director, Mark Wilson, said the conductor was recognised through a downhole electromagnetic (DHTEM) survey conducted on recent RC in drillhole RKRC013.

The DHTEM survey is ongoing in the recently completed RC drillholes, with the RC rig having completed a seven hole baseline before moving on to drilling under priority aircore holes in the eastern aircore geochemical anomaly (EAGA).

In the meantime, a diamond rig is mobilising to site later this week with the new conductor a priority target, while assays have been received from RC drillholes RKRC011-014.

“The strength, size and location of the offhole conductor northwest of hole 13 makes it a priority target when the diamond rig returns to site later this week,” Mr Wilson said.

“It is interpreted as the possible northeast extension of the mineralisation at Mawson and is an exciting development at this prospect.”

The seven RC holes targeted a combination of known Ni-Cu mineralisation in the west, the central gravity high and the southern baseline of the EAGA.

Legend’s future exploration plans at Mawson includes:

Mawson Future Programmes

  • Continuing the RC drilling programme testing the eastern geochemical anomaly.
  • Complete DHTEM surveying in all RC drillholes and process/interpret results.
  • Recommence diamond drilling testing of the RKRC013 DHTEM conductor, extensions of the known mineralised zone and the eastern geochemical anomaly.
  • Complete an infill aircore drill programme across the greater Mawson area.
  • Ongoing integration of RC and aircore drilling results into the Mawson dataset to assist future 
diamond drillhole planning/design.