The Pick News

Marmota kicks off drilling at Goolagong gold

Written by Colin Hay | Jul 16, 2024 4:28:10 AM

Marmota (ASX:MEU) has commenced drilling at the new potential gold discovery at Goolagong in South Australia, with 15 holes planned to follow up on the recent discovery hole.

Once drilling has completed at Goolagong, the rig will then mobilise to the main gold programmes at Aurora Tank and Campfire Bore.

The discovery hole at Goolagong was air-core (AC) drilled to refusal at 38m (i.e. to the point where harder rock was reached beyond which the AC rig could not drill). The last 2.0 metres drilled in this hole returned significant gold, with the grades notably increasing to the end of hole at 38m: 2m @ 0.64 g/t Gold From 36m downhole to end of hole From 36m to 37m: 0.53 g/t gold From 37m to 38m: 0.75 g/t gold

This is the first follow-up to the potentially new Goolagong gold discovery.

Marmota is a South Australian mining exploration company focused on gold and uranium. Gold exploration is centred on the company’s gold discovery at Aurora Tank that is yielding outstanding intersections in the highly prospective and significantly underexplored Gawler Craton in the Woomera Prohibited Defence Area.