The Pick News

Metalicity identifies high-grade copper rock chips over 25% at Mt Surprise - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 5, 2022 9:23:19 AM

Metalicity Limited (ASX: MCT) has unveiled significant copper mineralisation at surface over a 5km strike with work undertaken to collate historical data on the recently acquired Mt Surprise Lithium Project in Queensland.

The mineralisation includes a rock chip sample containing 27.5% copper and gold mineralisation of up to 1.32 g/t.

Mt Surprise was secured for its significant lithium potential with high grade rock chips up to 3.55% Li2O, and is also now highly prospective for copper and other metals in tenure that remains sparsely explored.

Historic rock chip sampling results on the Mt Surprise tenure has indicated high-grade and anomalous copper, gold and base metal mineralisation within the EPM 28052 tenement boundary. Some of the more significant copper and gold results include. 27.5% Cu; 6.73% Cu; 4.04% Cu; 3.67% Cu; 1.62% Cu; 1.32 g/t Au; 1.21 g/t Au; 1.11 g/t Au; and 18.8% Pb.

We secured the Mt Surprise Project due to the significant lithium potential demonstrated by rock chips up to 3.55% Lithium,” Managing Director, Justin Barton, said.

“On the back of this information we are collating, it is clear that the opportunity at Mt Surprise is now much larger than what we thought it could be. Rock chips up to 27.5% copper are extremely high grade and we plan to follow up immediately. We will be on site in circa two weeks to start pushing forward work programmes on this highly prospective ground. Into this effort we will be incorporating follow-up fieldwork, with further mapping and targeted rock chip and soil sampling.

“While lithium is our primary focus, it’s a great position to be in to know The Project is also prospective for copper, gold and other base metals.”

The Mt Surprise Lithium Project

The Mount Surprise Project covers a large area approximately 165km from the city of Cairns, Queensland and 57 km northeast of the town of Mt Surprise.

Next Steps

As part of the initial field review to collect information and explore for Lithium-Caeisum-Tantalum (LCT) bearing pegmatites, Metalicity will also take the opportunity to explore for base metals, including copper and base metals as well as gold mineralisation occurrences and prospectivity identified from the desktop historical review.

Information collated from the desktop review will assist in accelerating exploration targets for further investigation over a large tenement area. The field review of the Mt Surprise area including an expanded detailed mapping and collection of rock chip samples targeting new pegmatites, potential lithium mineralisation, base metals and gold across the extensive land holding will commence in mid to late September 2022.