The Pick News

Miramar sights visible gold in second Glandore East diamond hole - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 10, 2022 9:18:29 AM

Miramar Resources Limited (ASX:M2R) has intersected visible gold in the second diamond drill hole completed at the “Glandore East” target located 40km east of Kalgoorlie, in the Eastern Goldfields region of WA.

Miramar’s current diamond drilling programme at Glandore East is following up on historic diamond drilling that intersected high-grade gold mineralisation, up to 6m @ 29.8g/t Au, at the contact between a layered mafic sill and a later granitoid intrusion.

GDDD002 was drilled approximately 40m south of GDDD001 and intersected multiple zones of quartz veining +/- sulphides and coarse visible gold in a quartz vein at 152.5m.

In addition, GDDD002 intersected granodiorite, intruded by multiple felsic porphyry dikes and quartz veins, before being terminated at 169.06m.

The two holes drilled to date have confirmed the presence of high-grade gold mineralisation over a strike length of at least 100m and down to a vertical depth of 130m, however the mineralisation remains open in all directions at this stage.

Executive Chairman, Allan Kelly, said the company was excited about the potential of the Glandore East target.

“We believe there is potential for multiple NNE-trending high-grade veins at Glandore East, as well as substantial supergene gold mineralisation,” he said.

“The second hole appears to confirm this interpretation and we look forward to the results of this hole,” he added.

The current diamond drilling programme aims to test the Glandore East target with multiple diamond holes over a strike length of approximately 500m.

Core from GDDD002 has been logged, cut, sampled and sent for analysis.

The diamond drill rig has now moved to GDDD003, which is located 40m north of the section containing the high-grade historical intersections and GDDD001.

Exploration Update

The company is pleased to provide an update on exploration activities across other projects.

Aircore drilling has recently been completed at the Boorara North, Whaleshark and Randalls projects and the company is looking forward to receiving the results of these drilling programmes over the coming weeks.h
