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Moho nominates nickel sulphide drill targets at Silver Swan North - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 30, 2021 9:22:18 AM

Moho Resources Ltd (ASX:MOH) has identified three high priority drill targets through a review of recent and historical geological and geophysical data within its granted tenements at the Silver Swan North Project, 50km north of Kalgoorlie.

The review results follow the release of updated geological interpretations by the Geological Survey of Western Australia.

We are excited by the potential for discovery of nickel sulphide mineralisation at the Omrah, Wise and Dukes targets, particularly given their close proximity to Poseidon Nickel’s massive and disseminated nickel sulphide deposits,” Managing Director, Shane Sadleir, said.

“Strong nickel prices and a positive market outlook for nickel have encouraged Moho to intensify our search for nickel and associated battery metals. We are looking forward to drill testing these prospective nickel targets in the near future.”

Untested EM conductor at Omrah Nickel Target (M27/263)

The magnetic corridor containing the Omrah Ni Target has been subject to multiple generations of electromagnetic work.

A 2006 survey, which did not extend across the target, suggested a large conductor at the western edge of the line. During 2008, Mithril Resources extended the line to the west, collecting an additional 32 soundings.

When this data was combined with the earlier moving loop EM survey, a large, late time conductive response in both inloop and slingram data was resolved. The 2008 modelling of this response indicates a conductive body centred at 363190E, 6639035N at a depth of 155 metres.

The 2008 modelled dip of the body is 70 degrees which is supported by the previous ground EM data which indicated a conductor along the eastern margin of this response.

Lawson Gold Limited, as announced to the ASX on 30/01/2015 followed up the 2008 EM survey with the addition of 3 lines parallel to Line 22950N, with a late time anomaly seen on all lines and which is open at both ends. All lines could be modelled with a single plate. The anomaly is strongest on line 5 and 22950N.

The 2014 modelled plate has a lower conductance than the 2008 model, but greater length and depth extent. The more recent data collected by Lawson Gold Ltd increased confidence in the orientation and size of the conductor which provides support for the strongest part of the conductor to be drill tested. In 2016 Moho completed another line 200m south of 22950N to fill a gap in previous data collected.

A review of all previous geophysical work by Moho’s consultant geophysicist ExploreGeo confirmed the presence of the conductor, with a surface projection coincident with a footwall of a magnetic marker unit.

Drill testing of the target is proposed, with a combination of RC and diamond drilling. Figure 3 shows the location of the planned drillholes.

Prospective Ni lithologies at Wise Target (M27/263)

The Wise nickel anomaly has been identified in historic RAB and RC drilling. This anomaly sits to the east of the recently completed aircore drilling and has not been comprehensively drill tested.

The lithologies identified in 2007 RC drilling are considered to be prospective for nickel, confirming that the large magnetic anomalies in the northern part of the western ultramafic horizon coincide with historic drill logs recording cumulate textured dunite, interpreted as channel facies ultramafic rocks.

Nickel values up to 1% were identified in the ultramafic clays within the weathering profile and significant thicknesses of >30% MgO ultramafic rock identified in multiple ultramafic flows, similar to those that host the nearby Silver Swan and Black Swan nickel deposits.

RC drilling is planned to follow up the historic results, and further ground EM surveys to identify potential mineralised positions for drill testing are scheduled.

Anomalous Levels of Ni in Soil at Dukes Target (E27/613 and E27/626)

Anomalous levels of nickel in soil at E27/613 and E27/626 have been recognised during a reinterpretation of the data from the Moho 2020 soil sampling programme.

Moho plans to test the anomalous area with an aircore drill programme and a ground EM survey. The targets consist of multiple >100ppm nickel zones within a broad anomalous zone approximately 3km in length.

Maximum nickel values of 2460, 1150 and 951ppm nickel were returned, with the anomalies having a strong coincidence with an interpreted metamorphosed ultramafic rock unit which may have similarities to the Black Swan Ultramafic Complex, host of the Black Swan, Silver Swan and Golden Swan nickel deposits.

Next Steps

  • RC and diamond drilling at Omrah nickel target
  • RC drill testing Wise nickel target
  • Ground EM survey at Duke’s to better define target
  • Aircore drilling across Duke’s nickel target
  • Soil sampling across untested prospective geology