The Pick News

Musgrave hits more high-grade gold outside resource at White Heat-Mosaic prospect - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Nov 8, 2022 9:26:57 AM

Musgrave Minerals Ltd (ASX: MGV) has intersected further high- grade gold assay results from reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling along the Break of Day Trend at the White Heat-Mosaic deposit.

The results are from a combination of infill and extensional drilling and highlight the very high-grade nature of the near-surface mineralisation. The White Heat- Mosaic deposit with its near-surface, high-grades is expected to be a key component of future project development at Cue. The results continue to reflect the unique potential of Musgrave’s 100% owned ground at its flagship Cue Gold Project in Western Australia’s Murchison district.

These are another strong set of results and confirm the exceptional high grades in the near-surface gold mineralisation at White Heat-Mosaic,” Managing Director, Rob Waugh, said.

“The deposits, including White Heat-Mosaic along the high-grade Break of Day trend, will be a cornerstone of future development of the Cue Gold Project.”

Break of Day Trend

White Heat-Mosaic Deposit

The Break of Day Trend has a total Mineral Resource Estimate of 982kt @ 10.4g/t Au for 327koz gold with 70% of this in the higher confidence Indicated Resource category.

A subset of this inventory (185kt @ 11.0g/t Au for 65koz gold) defines the White Heat-Mosaic deposit. The deposit, only 300m south of Break of Day (797kt @ 10.2g/t Au for 262koz gold) is currently modelled to a maximum depth of 160m.

This recent drilling (not yet incorporated into the resource estimate) confirms the near surface and high- grade endowment along this trend, which is characterised by quartz lodes within a high-titanium basalt stratigraphic unit. The drilling was aimed at better defining the mineralised limits and high-grade plunge orientations at the White Heat-Mosaic deposit.

The mineralisation remains open down plunge but appears to be weakening at depth. Further extensional drilling to confirm shoot and plunge geometries is currently being planned.

Minor splay lodes are evident from drilling but are expected to have limited strike extent. Results for diamond hole (22MODD030) into the Mosaic lode were received where low grade mineralisation was intersected in the quartz vein at the projected depth, but outside the high-grade plunge zone.