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NickelX commences EM surveys at hot Fire Dragon target - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | May 25, 2021 10:46:53 AM

NickelX Limited (ASX: NKL) has commenced MLEM Surveys across four high priority targets on E39/1828 within the Biranup Project, located in the world class Albany Fraser Orogen, WA.

The company has also received POW area approvals and appointed DDH1 for a drill programme supported by a recently awarded $150,000 EIS grant, at the 100% owned Biranup Project.

Recent geophysical data re-processing by the company identified new good quality conductivity anomaly targets including a further four high priority AEM targets in the E39/1828 area, which were prioritised for the current close spaced MLEM surveys. The conductive targets FD1 to FD4 satisfy the company’s key criteria for the potential discovery of magmatic nickel-copper deposits in the AFO.

The MLEM surveys are now underway at targets FD1-4 following efficient mobilisation of Wireline Services Group to site and appropriate safety inductions. The MLEM surveys have been designed to better define four high priority targets defined from a SPECTREM AEM survey flown by previous explorers and reprocessed by Southern Geoscience Consultants for the company.

 Three 1st order conductivity and one second order target will be followed up by MLEM surveys to test the conductivity anomalies and define targets for drill testing. Survey crews are making excellent progress and NKL expects to be in the position to update the market with the MLEM survey results and interpretation in coming weeks.

Additionally, the company has appointed experienced AFO drilling company DDH1 to undertake initial drill programmes following the MLEM results and interpretation.

Managing Director Matt Gauci, said the appointment is part of a wider drilling appointment to test targets at Biranup.

 The initial drill programme which is supported by a $150,000 EIS grant from the WA Government. will test targets at Fire Dragon and Silver Dragon defined from reprocessing surface and EM data acquired by previous explorers.

In addition, POW area approvals have been granted, covering these targets and the FD1-4 AEM and MLEM target areas, to allow flexibility of drill planning to immediately follow up on all the results of exploration activity upon completion of the MLEM programme.

Following efficient and safe mobilisation to site so soon after the company’s listing, the NickelX team are excited to better define both previously identified and newly identified high priority targets on E39/1828,” Mr Gaucisaid.

“The MLEM results and interpretation will systematically guide our planned drill program where we have appointed DDH1 to lead an initial programme, supported by an EIS grant, as part of a wider minimum 5,000m drill programme testing several targets at Biranup.”

The Biranup Project is comprised of six granted exploration licenses (EL’s) covering a total area of ~400 sq. km and is located at the north-eastern Albany Fraser Orogen (AFO).

The high priority Fire Dragon nickel target has been the subject of an AEM survey, ground MLEM survey and very limited drilling by previous explorers, which intersected semi- massive to massive sulphides (including pentlandite and chalcopyrite), from a limited 4-hole program.

The AFO is still considered an emerging mineral belt as nickel-copper discoveries continue after only 10 years from the discovery of the Nova-Bollinger deposit. Total mineral endowment of the AFO is approximately 0.3Mt contained nickel-copper, whereas more mature belts, such as the Thompson Belt in Canada, have been explored for more than 40 years with total mineral endowment of 2.7Mt contained nickel. Discoveries continue to be made in the AFO including the Silver Knight deposit (Creasy Group), Mawson’s deposit (Legend Mining Limited) and the Orion target (IGO Limited).