The Pick News

NTM significantly expands Redcliffe Gold Project Hub to the south - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 1, 2020 12:11:06 PM

NTM Gold Ltd (ASX: NTM) has significantly extended the Hub mineralisation Zone at its 100%- owned Redcliffe Gold Project located near Leonora, Western Australia.

The first diamond drill hole at the Hub deposit in the current programme returned 6.5m @ 7.0 g/t Au from 459m, incl. 2.5m @ 12.2 g/t Au.

Managing Director, Andrew Muir, said the intercept is 140m south of the Lamprophyre intrusive that crosscuts Hub and has validated the interpretation that the southerly plunge of the high-grade material continues.

Previous drilling close to the intrusive intersected the mineralisation, however, the thickness of those intercepts was impacted by the lamprophyre. This hole is 140m away from the intrusion and is therefore a better test of mineralised extensions.

The mineralisation in 20RDD003 is the same stratigraphic position and of the same nature as the central area mineralisation, consisting of mylonitised volcaniclastics with a high sulphide content and fabric parallel boudinaged quartz. Visible gold is seen within the interval of 0.5m @ 15.9g/t from 463.0m.

Mr Muir said the result is located c.400m below surface and significantly upgrades the plunge potential of the high-grade material at Hub. The deposit continues to remain open along strike and at depth.

Diamond drilling at Hub continues, testing strike and depth extensions. RC and diamond drilling at GTS will also be undertaken to test extensions in coming weeks.

This intercept at Hub has significant positive ramifications for the deposit,” Mr Muir said.

“The grades, widths and mineralisation style confirm that the interpreted southern plunge of the high-grades seen in the central part of the deposit, continues south of the lamprophyre.

“The depth and plunge potential of the deposit have been enhanced by this result, and highlight that Hub has substantial upside beyond the shallow high-grade oxide mineralisation.”

20RDD003 is the first hole in the current program with at least another four holes planned for Hub and four at GTS.