The Pick News

Ragnar granted final Swedish tenement and full work permits - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | May 19, 2020 10:39:35 AM

Ragnar Metals Limited (ASX: RAG) has received much anticipated correspondence from the Swedish Inspectorate of Mines granting it the Tullsta nr8 permit which was applied for in February 2020.

The company has also been granted the final Works Permits from the Inspectorate of Mines to operate within the Berga nr1 permit.

The granting of this final Tullsta tenement package now gives Ragnar 100% coverage of the project area over a total 136.44 sq. km.

Tullsta nr8 adjoins the Berga nr1 permit which contains the Granmuren Nickel Mineralisation, which is projected to extend at depth into the Tullsta nr8 area.

Chairman, Steve Formica, said this is a crucial tenement given the anticipated outcomes from the planned drilling at Granmuren.

“The granting of the Tullsta nr 8 permit is a crucial step forward for the company as the recent IP surveys have indicated the mineralisation may extend at depth into this area.

“The planned drilling will hopefully confirm this, allowing Ragnar to plan further uninterrupted exploration works across the permit boundary.

“With Work Permits now in place, we are just awaiting the lifting of the COVID-19 travel restrictions before getting on the ground prior to commencing the drilling.”

The Works Permits and the granted Environmental Permits apply until 08/04/2022, giving Ragnar the right to travel, drill and undertake geophysical surveys within the marked Berga Nr1 survey works area.

This paves the way for Ragnar to conduct diamond drilling and geophysical measurements testing the modelled IP-Resistivity anomalies at the Tullsta Nickel Project.

An IP-R geophysical survey conducted at the Tullsta Project earlier this year successfully extended the Granmuren Nickel Mineralisation which was previously discovered within the Berga nr1 tenement.

The IP-R survey also defined a continuous body that extends from surface to below the drilling which is open to the northwest.

Magnetic and gravity modelling also indicates a western to north-westerly plunging body trending towards the new Tullsta nr8 permit area, which is supported by the results of the geophysical survey.

In addition, there is a weakly north plunging, Eastern Anomaly as well as a developing Southern Anomaly that warrant further investigation.