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Raiden Resources Limited (ASX: RDN) has identified a number of targets following an evaluation of the B1 historical test mining pit and B1 exploration potential at Mt Sholl in Western Australia.

Drilling has also defined significant Ni-Cu- Co-PGE-Ag-Au mineralisation at A1, B2 deposits and the Kudos prospect.

Mt Sholl is categorised as a Type 2A deposit which has the characteristics of massive and disseminated sulphides in feeder conduit and/or depressions along basal contacts of mafic± ultramafic intrusions. The Pilbara is host to several Ni-Cu-C- PGE deposits associated with Precambrian mafic-ultramafic intrusions of tholeiitic affinity.

At Mt Sholl, sulphide mineralisation varies in nature from disseminated to stringers to massive, as the distance to feeder conduits or basal contacts is reduced. Embayment’s and depressions in the basal contact are prime locations to concentrate mineralisation.

Remobilisation of mineralisation into country rocks is not uncommon for the 2A Type deposit and at Mt Sholl historic drilling has shown that low-grade disseminated mineralisation in the gabbro is extensive in places.

Consistent with the Type 2A deposit model concept, Ni-Cu-Co-PGE mineralisation at Mt Sholl is associated with a gabbro-pyroxenite unit contact. Mapping has outlined a roughly elliptical shape (six km in length and 2.5km in width) to the contact zone with portions of the contact faulted and locally rotated out of position.

B1 Historic Mining Summary

The Mt Sholl B1 deposit was trial mined by open pit in 1999 by Titan Resources NL. Approximately 145,000 tonnes was mined of which 25,000 tonnes was ore. The ore was processed using a pilot heap leach plant at Radio Hill. The recoveries at the pilot operation used bacterial heap leaching, with 90% nickel and 60% copper being recovered from the heap leach

Mineralisation thicknesses above a 0.3% Ni_Eq cut-off vary from 14m to 35m and average 24.6m. Sub intervals within the larger mineralisation zone typically include 5.0m thicknesses assaying between 1% to 2% Ni_Eq.

Mt Sholl project re-interpretation has generated a very exciting exploration target for the company,” Raiden Managing Director, Dusko Ljubojevic, said.

“The B1 historical test mining pit strongly highlights the potential for near surface and high-grade sulphide mineralisation, clearly demonstrating the path to further mineralisation along strike and at depth.

“Historical data across the other known deposits depicts similar characteristics. Furthermore, taking into account the significant amount of untested strike and the shallow nature of historical drilling, we believe we are presented with a significant opportunity for the Company to define a substantial, stand-alone deposit in the subsequent exploration stages.

“Our modelling assumed metal prices which are lower than the current spot prices and yet still defined a very significant exploration target. Management is confident that additional drilling and test work will rapidly advance the projects to its next level.”

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