The Pick News

Sabre cuts through Massive Sulphides in Sherlock Target Zone - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Oct 27, 2022 8:56:05 AM

Sabre Resources Ltd’s (ASX: SBR) third completed diamond hole in the latest drilling programme below the Discovery resource at the Sherlock Bay nickel- cobalt-copper project in WA has intersected a 40m sulphide zone from 348.6m downhole.

The intersection includes a 5.0m zone from 348.4m and 10m zone from 358.6m (total 15m) of massive matrix-breccia and stringer/net-textured sulphides including pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and the nickel sulphide – pentlandite.

Downhole electromagnetics (DHEM) from SBDD003A has confirmed an in-hole strong conductor correlating with the previously detected C3 conductor, indicating continuity of sulphide zone from the previous hole SBDD0021 (15m zone of massive sulphide lenses and matrix breccia sulphides from 410m) located 40m to the west and at depth below SBDD003A.

Modelling of the C3 conductor is in progress. However, CEO Jon Dugdale, says it is already clear that this newly discovered massive, matrix-breccia and stringer sulphide zone continues to the east, west and at depth, where further drilling is now being planned.

The 5.0m and 10m zones of massive, matrix-breccia and stringer/net-textured sulphides from 348.4m and 358.6m respectively in SBDD003A occur within a broader 40m zone of breccia, net- textured, stringer and disseminated sulphides from 348.4m associated with the mineralised (banded iron/chert) horizon and interspersed with mafic-intrusive dykes.

An off-hole conductor centred at 330m is interpreted to correlate with semi-massive and stringer sulphides intersected in SBDD001, lying above this hole.

The fourth and final hole of the latest WA Government co-funded programme is in progress, testing below the Symonds nickel-copper-cobalt sulphide resource where grades are projected to increase with depth towards the interpreted position of the Sherlock Intrusive contact.

Sherlock Bay is located in the northwest Pilbara of Western Australia, 60km to the east of the Andover massive nickel sulphide discovery. Andover is predominantly a semi-massive, matrix and stringer nickel-copper sulphide deposit and has a resource of 4.6Mt @ 1.11% Ni, 0.47% Cu, 0.05% Co (1.41% Ni Eq). Mr Dugdale said there is thus strong potential that the sulphide zone intersected at Sherlock Bay will form part of a similar discovery to Andover.

Drillcore from the completed holes is being logged and sampled for nickel, copper, cobalt analyses at Intertek in Perth.

The intersection of massive sulphides and matrix-breccia and stringer sulphides in the previously identified C3 conductor position has confirmed a new nickel-copper sulphide discovery at Sherlock Bay,” Mr Dugdale said.

“The new sulphide zone below the western, Discovery, end of the existing resource is open to the east, west and at depth, and we are already planning a follow-up drilling programme once the fourth and last hole of our latest WA Government co-funded programme is completed, to test below the Symonds zone at the eastern end of what is already a substantial, sulphide resource.”