Spartan Resources’ (ASX: SPR) recent surface drilling has confirmed a significant gold discovery, named “Freak”, immediately south of the Pepper Gold Deposit at its 100%-owned Dalgaranga Gold Project (DGP), located in the Murchison region of Western Australia.
Follow-up wedge holes from the parent discovery hole, DGDH093, have now returned multiple high- grade intercepts in the new mineralised position, which remains open down-plunge, sits in a similar orientation to the Pepper and Never Never gold deposits and exhibits identical alteration styles and mineralogy to the first two breakthrough high-grade underground discoveries at Dalgaranga.
The new Freak Prospect is located 110 metres south of Pepper, in the vicinity of the planned underground infrastructure which is currently being developed.
This discovery, which is currently the focus of an intensive three to four diamond rig drilling programme, represents the third significant high-grade discovery made by Spartan at Dalgaranga adjacent to the existing 2.5mtpa process plant and supporting surface infrastructure.
“Having successfully wedged a series of daughter holes off the discovery hole, DGDH093, we are now confident to confirm another exciting gold discovery at the Dalgaranga Gold Project – the Freak Gold Prospect named after another gin variety produced by the Never Never distillery – sitting directly along strike from Pepper,” Interim Executive Chair, Simon Lawson, said.
“We now have three assayed drill intercepts separated by roughly 30m defining a new high-grade zone in a similar position and distance to where we predicted the 0.43Moz Pepper Gold Deposit would be from the 1.48Moz Never Never Gold Deposit.
“Importantly, the Freak gold mineralisation remains open in all directions with the core looking remarkably similar to what we are very familiar with from Never Never and Pepper. With multiple rigs on the task, you can be sure we will rapidly define this new target with the aim of directly adding more ounces to our resource inventory, all along-strike of our two main high-grade gold deposits.
“A third gold discovery by our team is another incredible outcome for Spartan and its shareholders, and is once again a testament to both to the ability of our team and an undeniable endorsement of the endowment of this high-grade gold system.
“With the Juniper Decline making steady progress, it won’t be long before we establish underground drilling positions and accelerate the rate and accuracy of resource drilling and underground exploration. In the short term, our focus is on delivering the MRE upgrade next month and continuing an aggressive drill-out program at Freak aimed at advancing and growing this new discovery.”