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Sultan Confirms Target Geology at Kulin Hill - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Feb 20, 2023 7:19:19 AM

Sultan Resources Limited (ASX: SLZ) has confirmed the on-ground geological interpretation that a significant thickness of the ultramafic target rock was intersected with initial results from the recently completed stratigraphic diamond drill hole at the Company’s Kulin Hill Project in southwest Western Australia.

A detailed assessment of the geochemistry is currently underway with results of this analysis expected in the coming weeks.

A reconnaissance survey over Reserve 18455 (Lot 225568), for which Sultan was recently granted access to by the WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) concluded that the salt lake was still too wet from the late 2022 rains for any immediate access.

Subject to the full assessment of the geochemical results and the salt lake reserve drying sufficiently allowing access, the company intends to continue exploration activities at Lake Grace. In preparation for this, The company’s technical team has designed a geophysics programme over parts of the salt lake reserve which would be the precursor to a wider drill programme testing the prospect.

In late 2022 the company completed a single, deep stratigraphic diamond hole (SLGDD001) to 489.4m, which was designed to gather information on the nature of the layered ultramafic sequence beneath the weathering horizon intersected by Sultan in the previous shallow aircore drilling.

If proven to extend to any significant thickness or depth, it was also designed to assess the potential for sulphide mineralisation at Kulin Hill. The hole was collared in the vicinity of the previously drilled aircore holes and was drilled at -600 towards the southeast to target a strong magnetic body within the sequence as revealed by 3D inversion modelling.

Initial on-ground inspection of SLGDD001 suggested that the target layered ultramafic/mafic sequence extended to 256m down hole before a series of felsic and mafic gneisses was intersected. Weathering was observed to persist to about 70m down hole.

A total of 160 samples were selected and processed for geochemical analysis and sent to one of the main accredited laboratories in Perth.

Initial assay results are now being returned and detailed analysis of these is currently underway at Sultan. Although analysis is yet to be completed, the initial geochemistry does confirm the on- ground geological identification/interpretation of the target ultramafic geology in SLGDD001.

Magnesium oxide (MgO) concentrations as high as 41% MgO combined with chrome (Cr) concentrations of 0.53% Cr (over 1.0 m from 208m downhole depth) have been returned in the assay results, which are definitively indicative of ultramafic geology. A detailed analysis of the returned assay results by Sultan is now underway and is expected to be completed and ready for reporting in the coming weeks.