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TechGen commences drilling at Station Creek Copper Project - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 5, 2022 9:18:17 AM

TechGen Metals Limited (ASX:TG1) has kicked off drilling at 100% owned Station Creek Project located within the Proterozoic-aged Ashburton Basin of Western Australia.

The Station Creek Project is located 70km southwest of the town of Paraburdoo on Exploration Licence E08/2946 and is considered prospective for shear zone hosted base metal and gold deposits.

Strategic Highlights

  • Drill targeting high priority geophysics/geochemistry targets – TA1 & TA2 Prospects.
  • The TA1 Prospect has coincident chargeability and resistivity highs corresponding to high-grade copper and silver rock chip samples (Peak 54.8% Cu & 249g/t Ag) with the presence of copper sulphide minerals confirmed.
  • High-grade copper rock chips along a NE-SW striking fault are trending through TA1.
  • TA2 chargeability anomaly is at the same location as a previous 7.32% Cu rock chip.
  • TA3 and TA4 historical shear hosted copper oxide workings.
  • The TA1 – TA4 Prospects have never previously been drill tested.

It’s great to be finally drilling these quality targets at our Station Creek copper project in the Ashburton region of Western Australia, where we have been diligently developing our priority targets TA1 and TA2 for some time now, to a drill ready stage,” Managing Director and Station Creek vendor, Ashley Hood, said.

“The targets have favourable structural geology, high grade geochemistry and positive geophysics as our technical teams have demonstrated throughout our exploration process. While the projects were cherry picked a few years ago, well before the regions pegging rush largely based on structural controls with mapped mineralisation associated with localised magnetic features.

“The company sees a prime opportunity in the region having the first mover advantage not only getting in early, however being the first to use modern geophysics to create priority one targets at TA1 and TA2, and we’ve covered less than 20% of the structural strike at Station Creek so far.

“As highlighted, we have a very active quarter ahead and, as a fellow shareholder, I am highly encouraged about the addition of early exploration upside with very encouraging prospects about to be drilled for the first time in the coming weeks.”

The TA1 Prospect has coincident Induced Polarisation (IP) chargeability and resistivity highs corresponding to high-grade copper and silver rock chip samples (Peak 54.8% Cu & 249g/t Ag) with the presence of copper sulphide minerals confirmed.

The Gradient Array Induced Polarisation (GAIP) and Dipole-Dipole Induced Polarisation (DDIP) ground geophysics surveys completed at the Station Creek Project covered an area where exceptional high-grade copper and silver rock chip samples have previously been reported by the company at TA1.

Drilling has commenced at the TA2 prospect that corresponds to a GAIP chargeability high which coincidentally is at the same location as a 7.32% Cu rock chip sample and close to a 1.27g/t Au rock chip sample taken by the company in 2020. DDIP surveying was not undertaken at the TA2 Prospect area.

The TA3 and TA4 Prospects sit along northwest – southeast striking shear zones and both have historical copper workings and outcropping copper carbonate minerals at surface (malachite & azurite). The current reverse circulation (RC) drilling programme, of approximately 12 holes for 2,000 metres, is the first drilling to be completed at the TA1 – TA4 Prospects.

The company anticipates that the drilling program will take two weeks to complete.