The Pick News

Tempus drills more visible gold at Elizabeth - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Sep 27, 2022 9:29:28 AM

Tempus Resources Ltd (ASX: TMR) has intersected quartz veining containing visible gold in drill hole EZ-22-28, targeting the No. 9 Vein at the Elizabeth Gold Project in Southern British Columbia, Canada.

We now have nine drill-holes into the No. 9 Vein located 120 metres north west of the Blue Vein,” President and CEO, Jason Bahnsen, said.

“This is the third drill hole reporting visible gold in the core. We are encouraged by the wide zones of mineralisation we are seeing in the previously unexplored No. Vein. Assays are pending for all nine holes.”

The No. 9 Vein is a previously mapped vein approximately 120 metres north west of Blue Vein. Some limited exploration had been performed on No. 9 Vein in the 1940s and 1950s.

DDH EZ-22-28

EZ-22-28 intersected the No. 9 Vein approximately 100m to the north of the previously announced No. 9 Vein drill holes EZ-22-19 and EZ-22-20 that contained wide zones of quartz with visible gold.

EZ-22-28 intersected quartz veining of approximately 2 metres from 117.50 metres depth that contained multiple specks of visible gold.

Nine drill-holes have been completed targeting the No. 9 Vein. Visible gold has been reported in three of the nine drill holes completed to date. Assays are pending on all holes.

With reference to the AIG 2015 guidance for visual reporting of massive sulphide mineralisation, the Company reports it has not encountered any massive sulphide mineralisation in drill hole EZ-22-28. While it is not possible to accurately estimate the percentage of visual gold present though out the drill core, the company suggests that the percentage would be less than 0.01%.

Laboratory assays and analysis will be required to confirm the visual interpretations.