The Pick News

Terrain Minerals set to strike with new gold targets identified at Wild-viper - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Jun 22, 2020 12:52:06 PM

Terrain Minerals Limited (ASX: TMX) has identified new areas of interest following the completion of a mapping and soil sampling programme at its Wild-viper gold prospect in Western Australia.

The company conducted the programme over the northern portion of licence E37/1214 to determine if there was a possible repeat of the east west oriented Black Cat structure which is located on the neighbouring tenement. A total 60 soil samples and two rock chip samples were collected.

Samples were submitted for gold, silver, Chromium, Molybdenum, Lead, Antimony, Tungsten, and Zinc. Results of the analysis highlighted a contourable gold anomaly in a similar orientation as Black Cat with a rock chip returning 0.58g/t Au.

This gold anomaly is open to the east and Terrain intends to plan a drilling programme to test the strike and depth extensions to this surface mineralisation.

Aircore drilling will be conducted initially to identify saprolitic mineralisation which will ultimately be followed up with deeper RC drilling. A Program of Works (POW) has been submitted to the DMIRS and is awaiting approval.

Terrain intends to drill test this target in the third quarter of 2020 as well as test other identified areas of Wild-viper, subject to weather conditions and equipment availability. The new target sits partly within a currently ungranted and opportunistic SPL by one of the neighbouring tenement holders, this application is being strongly opposed by Terrain.

Meanwhile, the company has received a Reconnaissance Biological Survey and Conservation management plan for the Smokebush Gold Project at Mt Mulgine, 65km west of Paynes Find.

These reports have now been submitted with a new POW application. The survey area covers a larger area over and around both the Monza and Target 13 to ensure that a follow up drill programme can immediately follow if required.

Terrain’s Geologist recently located larger and more comprehensive historic underground workings at Monza, with no indication of any out crop. The POW over Wildflower and T16 have been granted. Terrain intends to drill test all four target areas in the third quarter, subject to weather conditions and equipment availability.