The Pick News

Traka to kick off deep diamond drilling at Mt Cattlin - The Pick Online Magazine

Written by Staff Writer | Apr 14, 2023 9:02:21 AM

Traka Resources Limited (ASX: TKL) is set to commence diamond drilling at the 100%-owned Mt Cattlin Gold-Copper Project in south-west Western Australia.

Two deep diamond holes are planned to be drilled to test the bedrock REE, gold and copper potential of the Mt Cattlin intrusive complex. The holes will be extended from Reverse Circulation (RC) pre-collars.

The first diamond drill hole will test the No.1 buried mineralised intrusive position in the northern part of the Mt Cattlin Project.

This intrusive is in a prospective position between a tonalite sill and a bend in the steeply- dipping Ravensthorpe Fault.

The second diamond drill hole will target the No. 3 buried mineralised intrusive directly below the Sirdar mineral resource position.

Drilling operations will continue on a 24/7 basis, with the two holes expected to take approximately six weeks to complete.

This is a very exciting time for our shareholders, as we kick off the first-ever significant deep drill test of the Mt Cattlin Project,” Managing Director, Patrick Verbeek, said.

“Our exploration to date has highlighted the presence of a large mineral system at Mt Cattlin, with extensive high-grade gold-copper and, more recently, rare earth mineralisation identified near-surface by drilling and sampling.

“Geophysics has outlined large intrusive structures at depth which may well represent the source of this surface mineralisation. These two deep diamond holes will give us the first definitive picture of what is happening at depth and how well these intrusives are mineralised. If we are successful, this could well represent a game-changing drill programme for the project and the company.”